Okay, no video. We took one of a family game of CLUE with Jonathan...but it is rather boring!
We did eat lots of good food and everything was weight watchers until we got to dessert. Stacey brought a chocolate cream pie and an apple pie and weight watchers lemon bars. BUT all in all, it was delicious!
After we ate we took a break before dessert and played a trivia game. I had researched on the internet trivia on Easter. I had prepared 24 questions and the most answered by one team was 6 1/2. Did you know there are over 90 million chocolate Easter Bunnies made each year? OR that the first egg roll, hunt at the White House was with President Hayes and his wife? The Easter Lily Capital of the World is in California and Oregon? They ship out over 11 million Easter lily bulbs worldwide? We all learned a lot and laughed even more. Did you know here in Texas we have Easter - Eve Fires? The German's brought this custom when they came to Texas to settle. They told their children by burning the beautiful spring wildfire the Easter Bunny made colors for their eggs. The practice of using a basket comes from the Catholic faith where the people would bring their food in baskets to Mass to be blessed. What was used prior was nests. Children would use twigs and leaves and create nests outside so the Easter Bunny, Once the Easter Hare, would leave eggs in it. They would even leave carrots outside for the bunny to eat.
The Easter celebration is tied into Pagan, Christian and Hebrew. Pretty cool reading if you have time.
May the days of Spring bring both regrowth in the world surrounding you and in your life. Be Born again this spring in the Love of the Lord.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23