Contemporary Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace
30 X 30 inches Oil on Canvas
SOLD on Daily Painters.
Thanks for your support of the self representing artist!
Contact me to purchase, mention the name of the painting. Laurie
Contemporary Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace
30 X 30 inches Oil on Canvas
SOLD on Daily Painters.
Thanks for your support of the self representing artist!
Contact me to purchase, mention the name of the painting. Laurie

Hummm, yesterday was another two Klondike days. But I am surviving! Today is finish up and move forward day. Today I will finish a commission painting for a new collector in Canada and a small mothers day gift for another collector for her mother. Slated later this week is a the finish of a portrait for a family friend. In between...paint paint paint, clean house, do wash and finish planting annuals!
I spent some time on the phone late yesterday with Wendy Rogers at the new gallery in Atascadero, California. The Red Tree Gallery is open and been received warmly by the town and the surrounding areas. Wendy has exciting plans of many cultural events and shows for the next few months. I am hoping Terry and I can hop a flight out to visit and see it all up close and personal.
When reading Psalm 3 this morning I felt pretty confident that God is indeed in charge. The intimacy of prayer with the Lord and the constant awake conversation I have with him all day while I am painting provides for me time to express my concerns as David often did and at the same time give thanks and praise for so much that is in my life. Painting at home alone in the studio provides quiet time of reflection, prayer and just plain conversation back and forth.
In contrast, most of you spend your days around people. From children to extended family, the delivery people, your co-workers, teachers, friends, neighbors...they are all their interwoven into your life. Today take your smile to it's brightest and tell someone how much you appreciate them. Do not let a day pass that you do not shine this light on someone around you.
Don't forget to "appreciate" the big guy.
“Let another praise you, and not your own mouth— a stranger, and not your own lips.” —Proverbs 27:2
This is in my book the ART OF LIFE :
Over the Rainbow
Life really sucks sometimes. You get discouraged and downhearted and carry the weight of the world on your back while all those darn squirrels are running on circle cages in your head. Think of a rainbow.
On rainy days you wait in expectation of a rainbow. It sort of brightens the gloomy day if you anticipate the beauty of colors through the disappearing mist of rain. Somewhere whenever it rains and it is daylight, there is a rainbow.
You don’t have to wait for rain. God has the rainbow there now. Close your eyes and you can even feel the mist. Let the squirrels out of your head, clear out all the problems and the weight you are carrying about. Then the discouragement and pain will lessen.
God takes it all away from you and takes it over the rainbow. On the other side he will deal with it all.
Genesis 9:13
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant
between me and the earth.