Horse Oil Painting By Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 48 inches $2700
The Red Tree Gallery, Atascadero, California
Contact Wendy Rogers to purchase.
Horse Oil Painting By Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 48 inches $2700
The Red Tree Gallery, Atascadero, California
Contact Wendy Rogers to purchase.

Did not want to get out of bed this morning at five. My eyes are still not open. I will be at the easel as soon as I finish this and will hope to get at least two hours of painting in before showering and leaving this morning for errands with my mother.
Yesterday more boxes arrived with more surprises. The first was there when I got back from yesterday's doc visits. Beautiful glasses were in this box. They were washed immediately and tucked safely on the appointed shelf in the kitchen. The dishes were already washed and placed in to their nest too. Yesterday at lunch Terry and I ate off of them in the Garden room! Beautiful for the appetite too! Then late yesterday afternoon a second box arrived with new stainless. WOW is it elegant! I think it is called BOLO. Understated and describing words I can find at six a. m. I have not washed it yet, but hope to do it this afternoon when I return.
I have been painting Whippets. Google them if you do not know what they look like. Anne Stark raises them in the Ohio area and she purchased a painting from me and when we spoke via phone on Easter she challenged me to the Whippets. I am working on two pieces right now.
This morning I found an email box full of whippets pictures that are quite inspiring! You will see them soon enough.
Well, the electrician was back yesterday and she and Terry identified more lines. Probably within the week all electricity will be restored. I am so happy!!! I now have working lights in the front halls.
We had a tree man come out and look at our magnolia tree which doesn't look too good. He was also suppose to give us a bid on cutting down one that needs to come down. He was speaking with Terry and said the tree needed fertilizing and when Terry told him he would do that himself and the man stalked off mad as a hornet. Now you must know I offered the man money to come tell us what was wrong with the tree and we wanted a bid on cutting down the other tree. Terry has always fertilized our trees himself. The man just wanted the $240 to fertilize the one tree. He was mad he wasted gas coming to our house. Communications is essential in our world today. It would have been simpler if he would have accepted payment to come diagnosis the tree, but I definitely would not have paid him $240 to do that either. We prayed for him last night. To walk around this world so angry is not healthy. We are all in this journey together and courtesy is so important. Meanwhile we went by Lowe's and got some fertilizer for deep root feeding and will see what we can do.
What kind of "fertilizer" do you leave in your path as you make your day? Try spreading some extra smiles today and a few extra "good mornings" to strangers with a smile. Open a door for someone or if you are downtown and see a car at an expired meter, slip in a quarter. None of this takes much effort on your part, but the impact will affect the life of the person you greeted.
Funny how a split second can change the atmosphere in your brain... I am smiling and sending a prayer your way!
"If you come with us, we will share with you whatever good things the LORD gives us." Numbers 10:32