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Showing posts with the label palette knife painting

'White Mare' Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Pace

'White Mare' 18 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas Contact me to purchase: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting: Strength in color and in body. This mare was filled with curiosity as I painted. Can you tell that? Oil on Canvas and thick paint without impasto. The Thought: We welcomed a new daughter to our family. It has been a journey of two years. Today I will go through the doors of the high school Terry and I graduated from, and enroll her in classes. We spent the day yesterday, moving her things to Dallas and gathering up things from Target like alarm clocks, hangers, etc. Rejoice with us... God is good. We are here to give of ourselves to each other in this earthly journey. No man is an island. Give when you can give and share a smile as it will lighten the day for both of you. I know not what the morrow brings, but I know tonight Terry and I will pray for God's constant direction in our lives. Decisions and direction for each of us i
A Painting a Day ~ Colorful Kisses of Spring ~ Flower Oil Painting by Laurie Pace No. 189 Colorful Kisses of Spring 30 x 40 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting A Day: Only occasionally do I find myself pulled into working on a painting as I did this one. Working on a large canvas surface of 30 x 40 inches, I knew the goal was color, life, brilliance, softness and intensity. This sets up a definite conflict of interest but a positive gathering of elements in the composition. Memories of my Grandmother's flower garden in the center of her horseshoe drive at her farm outside St Louis, led me to want to create something as fresh and soft as those moments when I would walk through the small paths often in flowers as tall as I was. I cannot count the layering that went into this painting and the depth of color and paint are astonishing. It is available for a good offer. Currently as it cures out, it hangs in my home gracing the walls with the kiss of spring.
Blue and White Flowers Palette Knife Flower Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches Just finishing up for Hong Kong Summer Show at the SR Gallery. This is one of eight florals making the trip. Contact: SR Gallery for more information . SR GALLERY HONG KONG " 'I will now rise up,' says the Lord; 'I will place them in the safety for which they long.'" Psalm 12:5 This is Terry and I probably in 1966. We were swimming at a friends house and he had just handed me a yellow lollipop to eat. Today is our wedding anniversary. Not sure where the years have gone, but I cherish each and every memory of our journey. I meet him officially in 7th grade, but he did go to the same elementary school, we just didn't cross paths there. He came to the district in 4th grade and I had been here from the beginning. Have I ever told you he has every note I ever wrote him? When I read through them years ago, I decided I was definitely an insecure teenager and easily
Spring Forward Contemporary Art Horse Oil Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 x 2 inches Oil/Acrylic overlays on canvas. No frame needed. Contact me to purchase: Laurie "The Prophet Jeremiah said to them, 'very well: I am going to pray to the Lord your God as you request, and whatever the Lord answers you I will tell you; I will keep nothing back from you.'" Jeremiah 42:4 Yesterday we visited my dad. If you read my blog regularly, you know he has been blessed with Alzheimers and the journey is not a pretty one. He is doing fairly well right now and seems content with his existence despite the FOG he lives in on a daily basis. Have you ever felt like you were lost in a fog of confusion? Thankfully God comes to the rescue and the path we needed to take was usually right there in front of us; this works unless we were thrashing around trying to do our own thing instead of being patient... you would find me out in left field. The journey back would be harder o
No. 67 Running Contemporary Palette Knife Art Daily Oil Painting Horse by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 30 x 2 inches Oil Contact me for purchasing information and include title of painting: Laurie "He does not ignore those who cry to Him for help." Psalm 9:12 I am there. I think I reached that over saturation point of doing too much. I think I hit the wall. I know there are others out there in much worse shape. I only have to listen to the news to here that. The world is a frightening place filled with scary things. At the same time the bible promises me that God is able to protect us and help us and often He has to use miracles to do it. I hang on to my faith this day; I know and acknowledge His assurance that He is at work in my life and in the lives of those around me. Terry pushes on in the kitchen with the back splash. I did most of the pre boxing stuff he does and then he and I hit it hard boxing yesterday afternoon and dashed everything to FEDEX. Then I got an order f
No 63 Headstrong Contemporary Palette Knife Art Wild Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 30 x 2 inches Oil and Acrylic on Canvas SOLD from this blog! Thank you! Contact me for purchasing and include the name of the painting: Laurie "It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God." Acts 15:19 RESPONDING In my every day world I usually lose it over things like, "If people would just do their jobs." That is my typical response to most situations. Us humans tend to go off on tangents and we do not do what is obviously our responsibility to do. Yeah at home or work. I am one of those over focused left brained (only when I am not painting) people that will always ALWAYS put work over play, rest or relaxation. Sometimes to the painful realization that I should stop for a bathroom break occasionally. Responding is a huge word today for my thoughts. It is an action taken daily by all of us in ever
MORNING HERD OF NINE Contemporary Art, Palette Knife Horse Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD Contact me for commission work: Laurie "For man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." James 1:20 Icy weather is expected here today. Makes everything more difficult because folks in Dallas seem to lack the ability to understand ice on the roads. Most think it is time to go faster and slide into where you are heading. It is raining and temps are falling rapidly. The airports are in delay and schools are debating schedules for closure. Meanwhile Terry and I went to Whole Foods late last night and did our grocery shopping. We are stocked for the week and ready for the cold. Stacey will stay at home with Larry today because of the roads and we all will pray no labor in the ice storm. Today is a suggestion that you either talk to yourself in the mirror or write something down on paper. Sometimes we get "stu
no 32 Determined Contemporary Art Horse Equine Palette Knife Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 30 x 2 inches Oil on Canvas Contact me for information or to make an offer; mention title of painting: Laurie "Why aren't you in awe before me? Yes, me, who made the shorelines to contain the ocean waters." Jeremiah 5:22 Short post this morning. Stacey is due over any moment. She is staying with us during her days because we live so close to the hospital where she will deliver. We both have Doc appts this morning as well, so time is slim. FAT VIRUS?? ON the news this morning that said people are heavy due to a FAT VIRUS? I think I have heard it all. Next we will hear that they are putting addicting powers in the Blue Bell Ice Cream we all love, or the Godiva Chocolate. To me it is black and white. I didn't eat sweets until after I was age 50. I didn't gain weight until I ate sweets. It is not rocket science at all. Yesterday Morgan was off from work and d
RAW BEGINNINGS Contemporary Art Palette Knife Daily Painting Horse by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 x 2 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD Contact me to purchase: Laurie I finished my book last night. The ending was good with drawing some solid parallels to use in life, but there was no "happy ending" that the adult child changed and went and lived happily ever after.... the adult parent did though and that was important to me. The parallel drawn was to Isaac, son of Sarah and Abraham. The late in life child, the apple of their eye, the purpose of their life, and God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son on the altar on the mountain. "When they arrived at the place where GOD had told Abraham to go, he built an altar and placed the wood on it. Then he tied Isaac up and laid him on the altar over the wood. And Abraham took the knife and lifted it up to kill his son as a sacrifice to the Lord." Genesis 22:9-11 Despite his heavy heart and his anxiety, Abraham followed God's in
Child on the Hill Contemporary Art Palette Knife Daily Painting Landscape Child by Laurie Justus Pace 11 x 14 Oil on Canvas SOLD For Commission Work, Contact me: Laurie I should feel like I am on vacation as I have not painted in a few days. This morning I will be painting. Yesterday was spent mainly at the hospital during daylight hours. What appears to be, is a tad bit of "inconsiderate hurrying" by the Doctor on Call at the OBGYN office. Stacey went in on Wednesday to be checked for early contractions and they determined through a sonogram that the cervix was not as thick as it should be. They did another test to determine if Labor was possible in the next two weeks. Now the on call doctor had the choice of labeling this test STAT for return information immediately and since he was admitting her to the hospital, he also had the option to have the hospital run the test for results in two hours. The goal was to decide if she was in danger of going into full labor this ea
SUNRISE OVER __________ Contemporary Art Horse Palette Knife Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 inches of THICK gorgeous color! This is SOLD. That is why I cannot complete the title above. It is a Christmas gift for one of my readers and they do not know about it. I love it. This is the best time of the year for me. SURPRISE SURPRISE TO ONE OF YOU! SOLD! WRITE ME when you open your package Christmas morning. Yesterday we woke to the sleet/snow and by mid morning we were back out heading for Fed-ex. We have one more Fed Ex trip tomorrow and I pray the packages make it on time! I sent a huge one off to Italy yesterday, and one to Santa Fe NM. Still need to send one up to the east coast and one to Georgia.... Sorry I can't divulge more on the painting above... I am way excited on this one. There are actually several kind spouses that ordered work for their husband/wife. It is thrilling to be part of this! I want shared pictures for sure. Jumping off into the thought
In My Mind Contemporary Art Nude Oil Painting Palette Knife by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 48 inches of thick paint; See pictures below. Contact me for additional information or to purchase: Laurie Time for one of my few nudes I do every year. I probably paint four a year and it has been about five months since the last one! You will find very thick paint forming the planes on the body and of course my trademark color palette. I hesitated before blogging this morning praying about content and where my thoughts were to even start my day today. I truly feel we would be so much better off with out the television and the media. One of those love hate relationships we have. Sometimes we have a love hate relationship with in ourselves raging as well. God has so much planned and available for us to do in our lifetime and most of us never reach our potential. For some reason we live conditionally in our lives trying to stay in control and not trusting Him to be in control. Jesus has warned
Guitar Six Pack Yellow Guitar Guitar Oil Painting with Palette Knife By Laurie Justus Pace SOLD Contact me for Commission Work: Laurie Yesterday I did not paint. Today I hope to paint as we prepare for our departure to Marble Falls. I am way excited to be apart of this show and seeing so many new faces and some old ones as well. Marnie wrote me that Jim and Marilee Heister will be there. They are neighbors from my childhood. I just moved back to the neighborhood where Terry and I grew up...and I always wondered where they were and where their daughter Layne is. She was two years younger than me but we were the same tall height and shared our closets. It was nice. With so much bickering on the tv with campaign ads and the ears burn and my stomach churns. I do not talk politics and will not here, but I will address forgiveness. The folks involved here have much to ask of each other as they all continue to fill the airways with their claims. When we do complain of other
FROM THE WEST Palette Knife Horse Art Contemporary Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 22 x 28 inches of creamy oils. To purchase, please contact me and mention the name of the painting. Laurie This morning is not a painting morning. I have to do house cleaning, bed sheet changing (Three beds) dusting, etc. At Noon it is hair time to make sure all is well for the weekend in Marble Falls. The painting above was like something from a dream. The colors are very unique, the horse is there and yet not there... the colors of Nevada seem to thread through the painting. NOT the dry colors but the warm colors. Can you feel it? I know I have shared many times I have rose glasses. That is the only way I can view the world and people, always seeking the best of what is there in both people and situations. Terry said he would engrave it on my tombstone..."She lived her whole life wearing her Rose Colored Glasses." I often pride myself on this ability. BUT, pride goeth before the fall.
Colors One Horses Five SOLD A Painting a Day Painting day! Yes, I will be working on some Arabians today and some Appaloosas as well. Have some images I need to get roughed out on canvas. When thinking and praying this morning about thoughts to share I was remembering the parable where the owner of a vineyard needed workers to pick the grapes. He hired workers early in the morning, late morning, noon and mid afternoon. Even at the dinner hour he was still hiring workers just before quitting time at Six. It didn't matter what time of day the owner hired the worker, he gave the same pay to each of them. Think about those pros and cons. If I was the 8 am hire on worker and I put in 10 hours and I found out you were hired in at five in the afternoon and only worked one hour and we go the same pay.. yeah I think I would be a bit upset. That is how our society seems to work on a whole. Everyone out for their own survival. God seeks us out full time. He seeks out the good, the bad and
MARILYN AND FRIENDS Guitar Music ART with Palette Knife by Laurie and Morgan Pace 18 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD COMMISSION Contact Me for commission pieces. Laurie Paint, something I did NOT do yesterday and for the next two days we are blessed with two 14 year old guests in the house. I promised them they could paint today, but I have to clean up before we can mess up. I wonder if God think about that with us too. He is constantly trying to clean up our messes and just as He begins to right our world, we always take off on another tangent with one of our desires; not our needs, but our wants jumping in. The infamous line, "Is it a need or a want?" that was common with the kids growing up. As adults we should stop and ask ourselves that same question. What direction are we heading in? What do we NEED, not want. How can we serve the "needs" of those around us and in our community? Most of us tend to go off on these tangents of want involving ourselves in d
NIGHT FLIGHT Abstract Horse Oil Painting Palette Knife by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD off Daily Painters! Thank you for your support! 24 x 24 x 2 inches Oil on Canvas. Contact me to purchase, mention the title of the painting: Laurie Friday. Yes I watched the debate last night. Did you? Learning and gaining insight and wisdom should be our job right now. I am watching the economy wavering thinking in my 55 years on earth I have never seen anything like this. I don't think my kids understand how dangerous it is right now. I am not one to panic but rather to gather what I need and make careful decisions with prayer on where to go and what to do. Our future depends on American Airlines for Terry and for me just folks that can still buy artwork. When I think of the parable of the talents from the bible it gives way for reflection. A man calls his servants together in a meeting. He hands each of them some money wanting to see how they will handle the money. One servant received five
BOATS Seascape Painting by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD Commission Painting. Contact me for Inquiries. Laurie Monday dawns and Terry and I are on the way to see Steve, our doctor/oldest friend. I know I told you before he gave me my first kiss in fifth grade. He is a musician, piano, guitar and bass. In our younger years even 10 years ago, we just to meet on Wednesday nights with Mike Thomas and jam on the guitars and sing. Both of them can really really sing. We made the tours of Terry's mother's nursing home and we sang at Steve's mother renewal wedding vows ceremony. I miss those days! I must carve out time to relax and laugh again. Mom did more unpacking of her bathroom yesterday and then slept all afternoon. She is very quiet these days. Please continue your prayers for her healing. Today I want you to dream. God gave us this ability to dream and plan and have hope. Denis Waitley said "...that you've got to have a dream if you want to have a dream com
STONE BRIDGE Central Park New York 18 X 27 inches Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas A Painting a Day Thursday is dawning. This painting was finished up on Tuesday. It is the fourth in my Central Park New York Series. This series is painted with a palette knife and the paint is layered in about five layers and is very very thick. Dreams and visions. I did begin my painting yesterday of the Wolves I saw standing in my dream. Wolves are not a common subject for me to paint. I do about one or two a year I guess. My dream was really vivid, or the image was. I will finish it up today or tomorrow and will post it for you. Often we have dreams and visions in our life. They may not necessarily be an indicator of the future, but they are indicators of what lies in your thoughts that God knows before you know. Often these are doors we are to knock on, but they may not necessarily open. Dreams initiate thoughts and hopes. God will reveal things to us in his time. I always think back to Se