Guitar Six Pack Yellow Guitar
Guitar Oil Painting with Palette Knife By Laurie Justus Pace
Contact me for Commission Work: Laurie
Guitar Oil Painting with Palette Knife By Laurie Justus Pace
Contact me for Commission Work: Laurie

Yesterday I did not paint. Today I hope to paint as we prepare for our departure to Marble Falls. I am way excited to be apart of this show and seeing so many new faces and some old ones as well. Marnie wrote me that Jim and Marilee Heister will be there. They are neighbors from my childhood. I just moved back to the neighborhood where Terry and I grew up...and I always wondered where they were and where their daughter Layne is. She was two years younger than me but we were the same tall height and shared our closets. It was nice.
With so much bickering on the tv with campaign ads and the ears burn and my stomach churns. I do not talk politics and will not here, but I will address forgiveness. The folks involved here have much to ask of each other as they all continue to fill the airways with their claims. When we do complain of others and their actions, we are traveling a path of negativity. It is here we need to stop and reaffirm God in His greatness and all the good experiences we have. Your world becomes instantaneously brighter when you practice forgiveness. The more you practice, the more it becomes a normal way of life for you.
Did you ever think how often God has to forgive us? Who can you reach out and forgive today?
"Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive."--Colossians 3:13