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A BITE OF APPLE My Buddy and Me Series Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 8 x 10 x 2 inches This is my fourth in the MY BUDDY and ME series. Prompted by old photos of my grandson, this painting sort of evolved on its own! The sweet innocence of a little one in the sunlight is usually enough, but as this one eats his bite of apple, he has a buddy wanting a nibble too! This is Terry (He is my hubby, the big one) playing Swords with Jonathan, the little one, our grandson. More Sword Action play. Jonathan came to spend most of Saturday with us. Jon had just opened his new sword. He has been waiting since Dec 26th to see it. A game of chess as things quieted down. This was always part of life when Jon lived with us. He and Terry played chess every day. Well, life continues here in our little 'Money pit". We are still cleaning up massive amts of dust and dirt, but the new heater works like a champ. We were delighted with a long visit with our grandson yesterday. I think I me
Wing on the Wind Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches SOLD Good Saturday morning! We HAVE HEAT, We HAVE HOT WATER, but I do not have lights now. Something shorted out in the attic, so there is more work and expense ahead. Terry is trying to tighten up the house. He found where the BFR (Big Fat Rat) had drug a bag of sunflower seeds (not ours because we do not buy those) into an area in between the walls and he ate and pooped all in one spot. Took Terry a long time to clean and disinfect that. He will be closing up all the open routes for the BFR. At least I have not spotted him in months! We hope to see Jonathan our grandson today. He has really been sick with coughing and congestion since Christmas. The whole breathing treatment thing too. I am glad he is doing better. He gets a new light saber when he gets there. He and Terry bought it off eBay the day after Christmas...the one I posted pictures of last month! I will try and take pictures! My daughter has
Hearts Horses Oil Paintings by Laurie Justus Pace 24 X 36 inches of Vibrant Color on Gallery Wrap Canvas SOLD Friday dawns and there is a light of HOPE! We have hot water back. The plumber arrived late yesterday and finished up the gas manifolds needed to divert the gas into three directions, the water heater, the new gas furnace and the stove. The HVAC folks are due back in the next hour and will finish hooking up all the new returns they put in yesterday. SO hopefully heat will be here this afternoon as the temps are plunging outside. The fall out is the huge amount of dirt and dust everywhere. It will take us days to get the house back under control but at least it will be warm inside as we work. Together we can do this with the Lord watching over us. He is on guard all the time despite the disparity we often fall into. We have been living here for almost two months as we have struggled with more repairs on this older home. Trying to stay focused on this is even harder when
Long Day My Buddy and Me Series by Laurie Justus Pace 8 x 10 x 2 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas. SOLD Thank you for supporting Daily Painters! Laptops are not my favorite when it comes to dealing with paintings and viewing them. I have no clue what this truly looks like. BUT I am up out of bed, it is 65 degrees outside and the sun is shinning. The HVAC man is here and they have begun there work. Our heat depends on the plumber showing up and when he will get here. Today I will be working on a painting for the new gallery here in Texas. Size will be 3 x 4 ft and definitely not one of TErry's favorite to box. I am culling ideas over in my head right now so I am floating between oils and acrylics. Painting in the kitchen yesterday afternoon was nice with all the light. Made me realize how much light I need to really get into my painting area. Diane wrote she uses big construction flood type lights... much to think about. But I wanted to drop in and blog quickly this morning
Spring Winds Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 inches Gallery Wrap Canvas SOLD Thanks for Supporting Daily Painters! I have been working on this one since Sunday out in my kitchen studio. LOTS of good light, but sort of cramped in comparison! Enjoy! This morning I am not even out of bed. TOO cold. My cough is racking my body. The little ceramic heater in the bedroom has not been able to keep up with the dropping freezing outside. Hopefully the other heater has the kitchen warm and toasty. PLAN is to get out of bed, dress and scurry to the kitchen to work all day. My studio area is basically off limits as is my big Mac. Dirt and dust are thick. My computer equipment and printers are all covered. There is a heater going in there, but not for me! DAY 13 with out heat and now with out hot water. Terry has the entire closet where the heater and hot water heater were, cleaned out. He has to rebuild the floor area, pull off the sheetrock so the plumber can put pipes in the
SNACK TIME By Laurie Justus Pace Second in the Series My Buddy and Me A quick note as destruction is in the process and I must have my computer off and covered. Terry is ready for breakdown. Yesterday the waterheater came out, today he is taking the heating unit out. Tomorrow the HVAC man is due to come install a new system, but I am unclear on the waterheater issue. The journey I spoke of for our family is still in the prayer process...please keep us close to heart. Morgan began a new job today downtown. More on that tomorrow too. I am hoping once this is finished and I am UP UP UP out of bed ...YEAH...we can get back to life. Today I am painting a French Saddle Horse. You will get to see it later in the week as I post. I have new paintings on the camera, but only allowed a few precious minutes to do this blog this morning. Smile at yourself today in the mirror. Know you are a child of God and you are loved. Grace, Laurie "My name will be great among the nations, from the risi
Shadows in the Barn Watercolor by Laurie Justus Pace 9 x 12 inches Today is a new start painting in my breakfast room off the kitchen until the heater issue is resolved. I have a ceramic style plug in heater next to a cool mist humidfier...not sure This is safe, but at least the air is not drying my throat out making me cough. A new road is branching off and more to come in the next few days. With the prayers of many a journey will be recorded and hopefully lives will be touched. Please keep our family in prayer. Yesterday I was blessed with Stacey and Larry coming over. As I mentioned in my late blog yesterday, they visit was wonderful! I am better. I am up and planning to paint in a few moments. Again thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. The cough lingers but I can tell is better than it was and my energy and appetite are returning. I wish for all of you good health and hopefully by tomorrow a normal blog with NEW artwork. This is a watercolor from two years ago. Grace,
TEATIME Watercolor by Laurie Pace 14 x 16 Watercolor on Paper contact me to purchase: Email: Laurie From the musty infected cold dirty studio I enter this short blog. This is day nine with out heat. The interior thermostat reads 52 degrees in the house. We have warm temps thru today and over the next week predictions starting tomorrow of cold, and by the next weekend possible sleet. My brother dropped off Mucinex last night and it seems to be helping my congestion break up in my chest. I found out I have to fend for myself and started a pot of chicken vegetable soup this morning that will last me at least three days. Terry brought home sourdough bread which makes me feel like I am eating lemons, but maybe with the soup it will work. So no cold sweet potatoes today, hot soup in about two hours. I am only up because I had to get bills paid and pull paintings for shipment. Stacey, my daughter is coming to help me get the bedroom clean and change the bedsheets. She will finish
Sunflowers Oil Painting by Laurie Pace 18 x 27 inches To purchase click here. I am here, barely. Short blog as it may be. I painted this painting last week. As you can imagine I have not painted in three days. I got up this morning, have not showered yet, feeling rather weak. The house is filthy since I have not been up to keep up the sweeping to keep the dust down. There is still a huge trench in the yard for the repaired gas line and the dogs bring in that soil. It tends to spread as we go in and out of that back room where I paint. I have literally lived in our bedroom for the past three days with the crockpot steaming peppermint into the air and my mom dropped off a cool mist humidifier. My coughing is much better. Last night I had sweet potatoes for dinner. I have lost six pounds, but not sure I like to lose it this way. I never drink juices, I eat the real fruit, but I had Morgan pick up some real OJ Not concentrate...with pulp and I have sipped on about 8-12 oz each da
SUGAR Dog Oil Painting by Laurie Pace 8 x 10 on Linen Commission. SOLD My mom is sick. I suspect the flu. With the cold in the house she is coughing and running fever. I just got here, made her some breakfast and am posting SUGAR per her instructions. Sugar is the baby of Georgia! Her favorite toy is the lime green donut in the picture. There is no update on when heat is coming and I hope she is feeling better tomorrow to post. I am not use to having her sick. I am here painting in her studio. There are the three I have completed this week. They work apart or together. I you like them email my mom and we will work a good price for you. Morgan Pace Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24
Wyoming Paint Pony OSWOA Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD $100 Egads it is after six thirty. I have been answering email for over an hour, but it is all good. I have sold quite a bit of work this morning and had to answer folks and get payment and shipping set up. Terry boxed 17 paintings this weekend and I just sold another he will be busy this week too in between the heater situation. Maybe Morgan can start boxing. I think that would work better. Then Terry can work on the heat. Today is Ash Wednesday. Many folks have no clue, but for those of us that believe, we will be in prayer and contemplation of Easter week and be tuned closely with the events leading up to that time. This forty day period is often marked by giving up of something that would be missed greatly so we learn more about giving up and sacrificing. In our current lifestyles we are not normally concerned with giving up anything. My mom also taught us to add something as well during these forty
New Mexico Painted Pony OSWOA Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 4 x 6 is the standard OSWOA size and this is done on gallery wrapped canvas. No frame needed! SOLD $355 Slashing bolts of lightening are cut only by booming thunder shaking the windows. Sleep escapes me at this moment accompanied by a good sinus headache waiting for the cold front to push through today. No heat will be in the house for days again. Not much more comment from me as I am in shock facing another week from hell with cold house and trying to work. In shock that this is Tuesday and work could have started on this last Friday. The past five days have been a total beat down for this family. We are traveling through uncharted territory and our faith to sustain us. It is from these times in our lives we are truly growing stronger. Many times in life our faith is tested. I am there right now. I want to ask why but know there will not be an answer. I want to ask for guidance and detour signs, but I know