Wyoming Paint Pony
OSWOA Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
SOLD $100
OSWOA Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
SOLD $100

Egads it is after six thirty. I have been answering email for over an hour, but it is all good. I have sold quite a bit of work this morning and had to answer folks and get payment and shipping set up. Terry boxed 17 paintings this weekend and I just sold another 14...so he will be busy this week too in between the heater situation. Maybe Morgan can start boxing. I think that would work better. Then Terry can work on the heat.
Today is Ash Wednesday. Many folks have no clue, but for those of us that believe, we will be in prayer and contemplation of Easter week and be tuned closely with the events leading up to that time. This forty day period is often marked by giving up of something that would be missed greatly so we learn more about giving up and sacrificing. In our current lifestyles we are not normally concerned with giving up anything. My mom also taught us to add something as well during these forty days. Usually when we did, we added it for life. Where as giving up soda or coffee for 40 days, you literally spent the time counting down from forty till you could drink it again. So she taught us to do both. The sacrifice as well as the bringing in of something new into your life to do or give back with.
I have not made a full decision personally but will be in prayer today as I do. One gift I want to give to you this day is Peace. I want you to feel at peace. I want you to feel all is well and to love yourself this day as the person the Lord created to be you. Even just for the moment that you read this, know instantly how special you are. Know how unique you are. Know you are here to be apart of this world and touch the lives you touch with your gifts. You are a gift and a child of God.
"Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." 2 Peter 1:2