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Showing posts with the label contemporary art for the home
Roses and Lilies ~ Flower Art Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 8 x 10 on Linen Panel Contact me for commission work. Laurie SOLD! Thank you Daily Painters! Egads, what a night. Pulled neck from unpacking boxes last night and topped that with a nice sinus headache with our ever changing weather. A friend had sent me one of those heal cloths you can wrap an injury in...sort of magnet like. I wrapped my neck in it last nigh. It is still sore this morning but I am moving slowly and made a promise to Terry as he helped me dress this morning, that I absolutely would not unpack any boxes today. Will paint some this morning and then clean out the second pantry. We are busy sorting and discarding. Sorting and Discarding is something we should do in our lives on a continual basis. Lessens the stress in your life considerable. There is much of his stuff I would love to lose. I have the right to say this because at the last house we lived in I dumped probably 1/3 of my stuff and another 1/3
ESACPE ~ Abstract Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches, Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas SOLD on Daily Painters. Thanks for Supporting Daily Painters. List is not totally made, but I have been reflecting on it! I know the Lord is putting up caution signs and detours, but I remain in a fog trying to figure out the way. I love it when hubby says, "you are doing it wrong, can't you see that?" But when I ask him to help me understand what it is he sees so clearly he can't answer me. I am not sure he knows, but he is ever so helpful to try and make sure I know I am doing it wrong. If I started my list at the top would probably be self control. When it comes to my eating habits that seems to be lost for sure. To have more self control would be first. Maybe then I can loose part of the twenty pounds I gained over the past four years. Second, hummm, probably have flexibility to situations that I have no control over! Makes sense do
Light of the Night ~ Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contact me for Pricing! Laurie Ouch. Woke at three with leg cramps. Up again at four with migraine. Not the best start to the last day of 2007. So much in my mind with decisions for the new year and wishing today had 48 hours to get it all done to start the new year fresh and ready to roll. As I was unpacking I came across a list of things I made ten years ago at Christmas. The idea was if you write things down and read it over and over, it will happen....sort of like praying with faith and it too never fails...God makes things happen. Here is my list broken up into Do Have and BE and REMEMBER these were written TEN years ago.... I must compile a new list for tomorrow...but here is what was ten years ago. To be braver.... I am. To embrace life and live fuller....I am. To give more to the world...I try. To be happier....I am. To enjoy traveling....I do a bit more! I still mi
ORANGE POPPIES by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD! 30 x 30 inches Gallery Wrapped Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home. Thanksgiving dawns. I will be finishing up some commission horses headed for Smitty's Restaurant in Canada. I did a wonderful image of the owner's Black Beauty yesterday. Haven't taken pictures of it yet, but will try and post it this week. Today I will be working on a 30 x 40 inch for the main part of the restaurant of a happy horse in the sun. Sunny side up you might say! It is cold here this morning. Stacey Beth, my daughter, is handling all the food prep at her house for Thanksgiving. I will paint all morning, then clean up and join the crowd. I think there will be 16 eating at the table. ah, two tables! So today I will be thankful for so, friends, health, home, our community, our church, our country, our leaders, our troops here and away from home and most of all to our Father that has given all this to us. He is truly the reason for th
ART BOOKS AND ROSES by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home MONDAY! I am up way early while Terry sleeps. The train woke me at four. Usually it does every morning. We did get an offer on our house last night, just as I am gather in bids to add on the studio. Lots of prayers are needed as we make this decision. This painting is a reach back to my old still life style. Not perfect, but interesting. Somethings you leave as they are and not overwork them. That happens in life too...we try too hard to make it perfect we ruin it or we confuse it...what we are working on, not necessarily our life. TOO much of a good thing. I know the bible takes often about moderation. I think that applies to everything, including worry. Shalom Laurie "But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds." Psalm 73:28
Buffalo Pull ~ Wildlife Art by Laurie Justus Pace 22 x 28 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home SOLD It is early. Terry was not sleeping well and woke me at now it is almost four thirty and he is snoring away and I am wide awake. Figure it was a good time to blog. He worked physically too hard yesterday moving heavy refrigeration equipment at his dad's house. I am concerned he has hurt himself. The house is under contract and we have but 11 days to finish cleaning out the remainder of the garage. Our second concern is his dad working over there too much as well. I believe Terry is way over tired. This is a buffalo pull with oils. Painted from pictures I took this summer. Painted with the same patterns of pulling the paint and finding what flows from the set up. Somehow that seems to be life as much happening and pulling around us and since we have such little control, we have to make life out of what is around us. There are sea
Wyoming Moose ~ Wild Life Art by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for your Home. SOLD SOLD SOLD This moose is for Tom in Wyoming. He is the one that sent the list that brought on the Mountain Goat yesterday. Moose was number three on the list. I have not painted number two yet. Goat was number one. Hesitant because I have only painted three moose in my career...I stepped out and hit it with the same way I would a horse and I hope it worked. Well, my father in law's home has contract offers. We will be packing to ship early this morning and then hitting the road to get in to Dallas to do paperwork with him. Then tomorrow we will be back to finish or hopefully finish cleaning out the garage. My poor husband still has a huge task in front of him with that. His brother Howard was over there on Sunday digging out a path just to get in the garage. If you live in Dallas or Fort Worth and need any of the following email me by this afte