ART BOOKS AND ROSES by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 27 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home
18 x 27 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home

MONDAY! I am up way early while Terry sleeps. The train woke me at four. Usually it does every morning. We did get an offer on our house last night, just as I am gather in bids to add on the studio. Lots of prayers are needed as we make this decision.
This painting is a reach back to my old still life style. Not perfect, but interesting. Somethings you leave as they are and not overwork them. That happens in life too...we try too hard to make it perfect we ruin it or we confuse it...what we are working on, not necessarily our life. TOO much of a good thing. I know the bible takes often about moderation. I think that applies to everything, including worry.
"But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds." Psalm 73:28