Light of the Night ~ Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for Pricing!
18 x 24 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for Pricing!

Ouch. Woke at three with leg cramps. Up again at four with migraine. Not the best start to the last day of 2007. So much in my mind with decisions for the new year and wishing today had 48 hours to get it all done to start the new year fresh and ready to roll.
As I was unpacking I came across a list of things I made ten years ago at Christmas. The idea was if you write things down and read it over and over, it will happen....sort of like praying with faith and it too never fails...God makes things happen.
Here is my list broken up into Do Have and BE and REMEMBER these were written TEN years ago.... I must compile a new list for tomorrow...but here is what was ten years ago.
To be braver.... I am.
To embrace life and live fuller....I am.
To give more to the world...I try.
To be happier....I am.
To enjoy traveling....I do a bit more! I still miss my own bed!
To be a better musician/singer.....I am.
To have an active art studio. I do.
To learn to throw pots....I did.
To play my guitar better...I do.
To garden more....I did, but have to get it going at this house!
To have a strong prayer life...I do.
To build my own home.... Have not done this yet.
To learn to quilt...I did.
To have more time with my hubby...I do.
To have a larger sailboat....We do not.
To have a new large bed....we did get it five years ago. Queen size four poster bed!
To have more grandchildren...not yet.
To have a Passat....Got it.
To have a Baby Grand Piano...Probably Not going to happen.
To have a lake house. Not going to happen.
To be published....I am.
To be a working artist...I am.
To have a job I enjoy....I do.
To have my home paid off....Not yet we just started over again.
Have a new guitar...I have two added since ten years ago. I was playing a 1965 Alverez.
It is funny how much our priorities shift as we get older. Mine are so different now, but it is amazing to look back over the ten years and see how much I did grow and change. Take the time to compile a list for yourself of what you need and want...personally. This is not one of those exercises where you women traditionally think of everything you want for those you love around you...take a moment and love yourself and what would you absolutely dream of for yourself and your personal growth? What are your gifts, dreams and desires of your heart? It is rather sobering to put them down on index cards, and especially so to find them ten years later. I will make my list today for tomorrow...make yours too. Christ is present in all you do and the Lord knows the desires of your heart. Acknowledge them and write them down so you can believe in yourself again.
“You are clothed with honor and majesty, wrapped in light as with a garment.”—Psalm 104:1-2