Ready To Ride
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Oil on Linen Child and Horse by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 Oil on Linen Panel
PAY AS YOU WISH! Merry Christmas.
Contact me with YOUR best offer. Laurie
I will ship it out immediately.
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Oil on Linen Child and Horse by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 Oil on Linen Panel
PAY AS YOU WISH! Merry Christmas.
Contact me with YOUR best offer. Laurie
I will ship it out immediately.

This pay as you wish is pretty powerful. I sold one piece for $15 and one for $350. So, just send me an offer if you see something you like.
Thursday arrived this morning with groans. One of the few days in the year I did NOT want to get up out of bed. I worked until after ten last night on commission paintings that need to dry and be shipped for Christmas. I will probably do another 18 hour day today as well. God is good. Remember the Joy and Abundance, I still chant that as I paint. Divine Order is in place.
The granite man comes this afternoon to give us estimates on the kitchen counters and bathroom counters. YEAH! Terry brought home two more finished clean doors that he worked on at work. He took two more with him today. THERE IS HOPE! I guess I should take pictures as we do this.
Terry went to his second gun class last night. He is getting his license to carry a gun. We live in Texas where folks ride around in pick-up trucks with rifles mounted in the back window. He is really enjoying the course and comes in at ten just jabbering about all the new exciting things he is learning. He even proudly shared his target practice sheet with all the tiny holes in the paper. The actual bullets are fat but the holes are pretty darn little. I have shot a gun ONE time in my life back in 1971. It was a small handgun. I guess it did me well as that was close to 40 years ago. Terry told me we have to have a special gun safe mounted in each car. AND he told me he is to carry his gun at all times, to the store, the mall, the movies, when we walk etc. As excited as he was, it reminded me how easily we are influenced by the contagious opinions of others.
What scares me is NOT my husband carrying a gun, but some of the folks out there getting this license to carry that are not gun safe. Terry grew up with guns. I did not. I was encouraged to take this course, but declined. I felt it was more prudent to learn to shoot one before getting a permit to carry one. Would you license a driver before they took driver's education ? I think not. So my mind tangents off to How many people are taking this course that just learned to shoot a gun or are in the midst of learning? I can't help but wonder if this is dangerous to put a gun in a newbie hand and encourage them to carry it everywhere. Guns are useful tools that have provided food and protection to US citizens for a long time. I am simply uneasy with who is out there right now quickly buying guns because of upcoming changes in the law. Terry has guns, and he did this because I asked him to do it. He has been using a gun since he was 8 years old. I worry what will happen with a new user if they over react to a situation and some innocent person dies because of their lack of expertise or their panic.
To a happier subject, despite all the work in the studio yesterday, I had two music students. The precious two I am teaching come at different times and one is a second grade little girl. NEVER in 27 years of teaching have I had a student so young, so intelligent, so musical and so enthusiastic. She is a pleasure to teach and to listen to. I can't record her for privacy reasons, but maybe I could record her playing and singing! God has blessed this little one with incredible talent.
Know now, over the next few weeks you will encounter times of chaos and indecision. As you do realize you have fallen out of sync with the natural order of things or you would not be so stressed. Take a two minute breathing break and get a moment with God. Retreat in your thoughts to a safe time, or a memory of a beautiful place or moment in your life. Allow that thought to fill you. Immediately you will be calmer. God is the only source of true order in our lives. We must allow ourselves the space to rise above the chaos and let Him untangle it.
I am off to the easel and another 18 hour painting marathon!
"I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I will do, and I will not forsake them." Isaiah 42:16