My Horse
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Horse and Child Painting
18 x 18 inches Oil on Canvas
Contact me for commission work. Laurie
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Horse and Child Painting
18 x 18 inches Oil on Canvas
Contact me for commission work. Laurie

In my videos you always see Terry's side of the work room. This is my side. This is the only chaotic room in the house, except the kitchen, which is being redone right now.

I did not paint yesterday. Didn't feel good. Not normal for me at all. But I spent the day cleaning out kitchen cabinets and rearranging for the installation of the granite. Terry continues to strip cabinets so his job will be complete. Yes I need to take pictures.
Stacey had a sonogram yesterday. She was having some leaking issues and they wanted to make sure all was good. New discovery...she is 29 weeks and the baby should be about 2.2 lbs in size. Well, Miss Lauren Gracen is already 3 lbs 8 ounces. Stacey still has 10 weeks to go and the baby will double the last four weeks....should we start a guessing game to size and weight? Maybe we should do the predict the day too.
Did you think about your heart's desires yesterday? I was almost afraid to go there as I begin thinking it through. The more I contemplated yesterday the more I realized to share something this intimately with God is very precious. It is traveling into a vulnerable place in your soul and your mind. None of us want to be hurt by thinking we are deserving and then being disappointed. You will find when you direct these thoughts and share them with Him, you will find a restful peace filling you and at the same moment a life empowering energy will follow resulting in joy. This deep relationship with Him provides you with a profound sense of fulfillment. Only He can provide this for you. Can you imagine all the anxiety draining out of you? No more chaos...just a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
We are all created with desires. Human nature of wanting all the time. Do we nurture the desires that serve us or do we turn our energy to direct our desires to serve Him? I cannot imagine living with out desiring the love of the Father in my life, knowing Him forever. I also desire to share this joy with others through my art, my writing and my life. The abundance of God's creation is unlimited.
Here is the last reading from Chapter 1 of Luke.
Peace, Joy and Abundance,
"Because of God's tender mercy, the light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of Peace." Luke 1:78-79