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Mother and Child - Day 3

Mother horse and baby colt painting on birch
©Laurie Pace       Graphics One Design 2024
Mother and Child
Oil on Birch  SOLD  by Laurie Pace  

DAY 3  Pulled the name early this morning by the number I pulled out. N Burnette is the winner! Congratulations! I hope every one enjoys the small things and large things that may come your way!

We were listening to Jack Hibbs this morning covering Genesis 3:15. "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed, it shall bruise they head and thous shalt bruise his heel." 

Yes. Ripped my heart to tears making our oatmeal this morning. To realize right away God had hope and a plan for us thru Jesus from the very beginning. Our  "celebration" is not just the birth of this wee babe but more focused on the serious gift of our salvation through Him. Not exactly taught the same in traditional church at all as the dearest "SAVING" gift of our path back to God  through His son.  Most children would never put this together if it is not taught. Not the celebration of trees and decorations, gifts, and Santa. The sin issue was immediately on the agenda for thousands of years later. It is amazing grace given to us for the taking of our own lives and giving them to Him and living as close to Him as we can while reaching and teaching others. Still amazes me all the "people induced traditions" we have that carried as a burden. 

Lights on the house to make sure Santa can find it. Lights on the trees filled with ornaments and bows and ribbons. Stockings hung by the chimney in hopes of Santa.... Large food celebrations with family and friends and festive parties lasting through New Years Day. Do you once think about your salvation and path through Jesus?  (Does this sound like the last sermon from the Bishops Wife? An older black and white Christmas movie)

Throughout the Old Testament we encounter progressive revelations of Jesus Christ, the Savior referred to in Genesis.  God eventually makes a covenant with Abraham that the one and only Messiah would come through his lineage. It continued forward and through King David, as he also received a promise from God that there would be a 'King' in his lineage who would sit on the throne forever. God's heavenly throne.  (Personally I love the Servant Songs in Isaiah... all about Jesus as the Servant.)   Pastor Tom from church reminded us last week that Mary's family was in a line from King David just as the family of Joseph was. 

Backing up a moment, If you read the Old Testament, you read about all the animal sacrifices demanded coming out of Eden. This long enduring brutal sacrificial system was instituted by God for the future coming of Christ. The Old Testament is filled with the stories of those who lived and died before it was time for Jesus. Sacrifices were necessary to worship. But things changed as God's son would appear as a baby boy, growing to full manhood to serve His Father, and fulfill the prophecies of His 'first' coming and teach others that He will return in a 'second' coming at the end of times and rule our Earth.  Jesus also assures us that His death was to die for our sins on that cross.  He is our only way to heaven. Believe in Him and you will have ever lasting life.
Laurie Pace - A Texas Artist

Laurie Pace Painting Horses


INSTAGRAM : @LauriePaceBlog   Facebook

Laurie is an international artist, her paintings are collected in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, DuBai, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, St Thomas, Romania, Greece, Croatia, and Ecuador.  


© Graphics One Design 2024


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