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Showing posts from August, 2024

Standing Ground, where do you stand?

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Standing Ground Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   We have all been there!  In our lives we often have to take a stand. Sometimes we need to make sure we stand on the side of the Lord! Take a stand with Jesus. My paintings are my gift from the Lord. The passion and creativity of painting has always been dedicated to my faith and the gifts the Lord provided for me in my life so far. I honor and credit Him for this blessing and gift.  It seems right now like Christianity is not 'acceptable' in this age, but our home and our family align with the Lord in our life through our faith and our actions. What does it take to stand for the Lord? You cannot stand in the distance... you cannot hide your faith and convictions.  The Cross stands before us, even before you, where Jesus was crucified.  It is central to our faith. It is here you find the strength to take a stand for Christ.  My eldest granddaughter is one that took her stand

Golden Boy Horse Profile Horse Painting

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Golden Boy 24 x 30 Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Beauty in the day with this contemporary horse painting!    Strange as the couple that owns this one and two others, just contacted me for a longhorn! Canvas ordered, preparing to order some fill in colors... need to do that after this blog though. In this painting their are patterns of shapes and patterns of colors. Another one of those with me looking at it saying... I painted this? I would love it in my own house! I must confess, I am tired of the heat.   I have not slept the best the past three days and trying to get my 10,000 steps in has been a challenge and last night leg cramps at 3:30 a.m.  What I am not tired of are all the blessings I do have. 👉The love of the Father.  👉 👉 The hope and blessings of Jesus and the confidence and influence of the Holy Ghost.  👉 👉 👉 Taking the time to consider all that is positive and full of love surrounds me and b

Mid Summer Nights Dream

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Mid Summer Nights Dream  Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Afternoon here in Texas and hot with temperatures over 106 plus.   I actually painted this piece in June for Mid Summer Nights Dream and it is a favorite with the Good People Series of which there were about 11 pieces. There will be no more pieces painted in this series. There is one Good People painting left in my store that is 60 x 90 inches. All thick oil paint and ridges every direction. It is reduced right now going into fall. Don't miss out.  The Good People 2024 "In Waiting, I waited, for the Lord." Ps 40:1 Think about waiting for something... something you are expecting and you battle for patience. I remember being in class in junior high, and the class I had before lunch... I was a clock watcher in that class alone.  9th grade I must have had last lunch.  Back in my days 9th grade was part of Jr High. Watching the seconds arm going aro

Mid Journey Sunset

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Mid Journey Sunset COMMISSION - Oil on Canvas 24 x 24  SOLD   by Laurie Pace    Heading to 106 over the next few days.  This lively sailboat painting was a commission for a family on the East Coast. I will share the painting hanging up in their living room.  Terry and I have sailed our catamarans over the last 30 years. I told him I had to have a boat with sides these days. One like this would do!!!  This is with the heavy paint palette knife dragged horizontally instead of vertically. Crisp colors of a hot summer day on the lake just before sunset. Cannot believe September is just a few weeks aways... like two and a few extra days.... Hoping this is the summer burn off week and by next back to the high 90s.  We were surprised by a visit from Hubby's brother today, in from Georgia. We met him nearby at a Restaurant and overstayed visiting and laughing and sharing photos. Being with family is rewarding and

Red Horse and God's Gift

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Red Horse Oil on Canvas 24 x 30  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   This is the day that the Lord hath made. .. Our lives have encounter more losses and challenges the past two weeks. Things I never suspected we would face or endure. It is only through the Father we have walked these days.   " Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. " JAMES 1:2-3 (NIV) We all face these times or will face these times.  Never had I faced a death of someone young and dear to me. At first I could barely make it minute to minute  trying to remember to breathe for the first four to six hours... and slowly I found that time stretching to 15 min to 15 min... and through the week, the sadness would hit and I would just break down and cry uncontrollably for five min and then regain my peace. I woke every morning at 2:30 in the mids

Found Love

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Found Love Commissioned painting 2013 by Laurie Pace   IT IS THURSDAY!    We have official reached Heat Advisories here in north Texas. I heard the Severe Heat area is both  north and north east from us. Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee ... and more. I think I will be thankful for ours and thinking we might break 100-105 through this weekend and into next week. Wondering if the power is still off in Nebraska from their week of storms.  These two horses were a commission painting and it was a larger one as well. I am remembering MAYBE it went to Missouri? I know it left the state. It was 24 x 30 and of course Holbein Oils... buttery and lush! Would love to paint for you! He guided them by the skillfulness of his hands." Ps 79:72 In our lives it is impossible for us to predict the storms we may face before they arrive out of no where. Leaning into the Lord and giving thanks for what we are given, good or challenging,