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Hesitation knocks on our doors. Thinking it all through with Artist Laurie Pace

  ©Laurie Pace       Graphics One Design 2022

 by Laurie Pace - Sold. 

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“Hesitation of any kind is a sign of mental decay in the young, of physical weakness in the old.” Oscar Wilde  The Importance of Being Earnest

This unique small painting called to a heart the moment it broke from my blog. It was sold within five minutes of posting it... and NO hesitation.  It is oil on Canvas panel and was painted in January of 2013, just before we sold our lake house to move back to Dallas. The cool of winter and the few warm days that sprinkled January inspired the thoughts of spring to come. 

I am not hesitating at all tackling the word "Hesitation". Hesitation can cost you your life or someone else's life.  I hear my father in law, Ben speaking to me, "If it is a good deal today, it is a good deal tomorrow."  Does that qualify for hesitation? Usually I am not hesitant on many things, but when it comes to spending money, I would have to call it 'sleeping on it'. 

By definition I found hesitation is described as “delay due to uncertainty of mind or fear”.  Most of the time hesitation is linked to a negative outcome.  Usually associated with fear, lack of confidence or what I am known for... over thinking things.  

What makes you hesitate on things? Truly it depends on the situation at hand and what is at stake. Let's look at the process.

  • The number one culprit behind hesitation is fear. When you need to make a decision, especially one that is life changing, fear pops up as a common companion. Fear will cause you to step back and your mind will begin to walk you out of doing what ever the decision is that creates change.  We have to realize there are some things in life to fear, and we must set boundaries to limit the fear that attempts to alter our decision process. In early days of man, fear had a purpose to survival.  It is meant to trigger a healthy hesitation and to ramp up our strength for what lies ahead. It is not suppose to send us cowering and cringing. If we fear things that are unfamiliar to us, it leads us away from growth in our lives.  Fear is often our greatest enemy.
  • Fear is a common companion to people with low self worth or lack of confidence. We all must realized we are as good as we allow ourselves to be. Often we are truly our worst enemy. It is hard to prosper in life if we cannot see ourselves in the light of day and recognize the strength we do have. If you hesitate as new opportunities arise, you will not find prosperity in your future. We must realize we are capable and have made a difference in the lives of those around us. Self pity is not where God wants us to be. It is something you must break the habit of in order to thrive and survive. It is at this point you will not hesitate to make decisions, and those you accept will improve your life and growth. 
  • Things in your comfort zone are familiar to you, and are 'safe'. Some of us  almost always know the outcomes of every action because of our set ways. Feels safe and good.. right?  Well when I teach art the first thing I teach is you are NOT making art until you are pushed out of your comfort zone.  No different than in life. If you do not take chances with art and creating, you never discover your passion and the journey creating the art.   It totally applies to life. If you take the safe road every time, you will be missing most of the journey and the sights God had planned for your life. You will not do the things He has for you to do because you are still taking the safe way. It is time for some risk taking with unknown outcomes.  Look at your comfort zone as Enemy No. 1. Take time to live and experience your life. Experience your FULL life, not your safe way life. One day you will see how great you truly are and how much potential you have... and hesitation will not be apart of your world. Some experts say you cannot change overnight, but I disagree. We all have to decide the best way for us to ditch 'hesitation'. We all have to decide how to feel the positivity of challenges facing us and meet them face on.   
  • There are too many options. This truly does happen in our lives. You have three choices of the next road to travel. How do you decide? Hesitating is NOT going to get you on your journey.  Will you be able to make the best choice? Are there better choices out there? What if you make the wrong decision?  More questions will pop up... but you need to make a final choice based on what you know. You know yourself and you know your dreams, so not hesitation is needed.
  • Overthinking it all? We all do that at one time or another. Decisions are challenging. The worst think you can do is overthink the situation while trying to be cautious.  There is that word, Cautious.... not safe. This explains how overthinking is not the way to go. To take the time to think something over twice is pretty normal for most people. But to never make a decision plants hesitation growing wildly in your head. Forever you will be stuck worrying and hesitating every opportunity that comes your way.  
  • How do you deal with hesitation???  Embrace and face your fears. Make sure you deal with your insecurities. Find your comfort zone. The problem is not the decision, it is your fear or hesitation. Stop overthinking everything. Narrow down options and think about the goal that can be accomplished. You can do this, don't hesitate! Don't overthink it. 

  • Elijah came near to all the people and said, “How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people did not answer him a word." 1 Kings 18:21

    Laurie Pace - A Texas Artist 


    INSTAGRAM : @LauriePaceBlog   Facebook

    Laurie Pace is an international artist with her paintings collected in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, DuBai, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, St Thomas, Romania, Greece, Croatia,  and Ecuador.


    © Graphics One Design 2021


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