©+Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 2016
Photography Laurie Pace
“The knowledge of the past stays with us. To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the clingings and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit.” ― Jack Kornfield
What do you wake with this Sunday morning that is heavy on your heart or your shoulders? What are you dreading, fighting or avoiding right now?
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
Time to set yourself free and let go of the things that are weighing you down. I had a great pastor at Mt Vernon United Methodist Church. One Lent he had us make a list of the things that burdened us or worried us the most... the things secret to our heart. They had passed out pieces of paper and pencils to complete this request. We were instructed to fold the paper in half that we were given after we were finished. Then row by row to some beautiful music and lots of prayer, when we were ready we walked up to the front of the church and placed our paper under the cross. Most of us stopped to kneel and pray at the railing before returning to our seats.
IT WORKED. It really worked. I had some heavy heavy problems and people I was dealing with right after the death of my father and this one simple Sunday released me from those things that were binding my heart and spirit. We have to be set free from this. Just as my husband and I participated about the same time in the butterfly release that was celebrating the death of my dad.
Figure it out. Grab your pencil or pen and make your list. Then fold it and put it in your Bible and make sure you date it. Release it and give it to God right then. OR create a box or jar to put things in throughout the year and forget them. You cannot carry them all. Place them in the jar. These things are binding your spirit and your life cannot move on.
"Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved." Psalm 55:22
#horsepainting #lauriepaceart #equineart
Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist