Lone Wolf Painting progress
24 x 36 Mixed Media
If I had my way I would stop here. I love this. But I know I have to push on with the painting despite the temptation to keep this wolf painting more mystical. I have that fear that I will mess it up along the way.
So many times while working an artist ignores the spirit of the painting. They seem to already have a plan for the painting, a path and expectations for where it will end up. So yes, it presents for me the same conflict with God. He has a plan for our lives... every single day. But we have a plan as well. He gives us freedom to do as we want, but often our decisions and situations end up on a path that is not good for us. Our choices were not the right choices.
He will forgive us if we ask and we acknowledge our situation. Allowing Him in to walk with us each day, will allow Him to guide us on our way.
Let me know if you like this more 'unfinished look'. I really want to explore it more.
Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist