The Race is On, Horse Oil Paintings, Equine Art, Abstract Horse paintings by Texas Contemporary Equine Artists Laurie Pace
'The Race is On'
24 x 36 Oil on Canvas
I know I wrote about the donut hole not too long ago. That is where you focus on what is not there instead of what is there. When we focus on what we lack we become very hollow inside and we feel defeated and at a complete loss. The importance is in acknowledging the 'donut' or the real things in your life that are there now. We are all blessed to live our lives in abundance. Our main problem is focusing on the missing things or our perceived holes in our lives.
Take a deep breath today and remind yourself you are full of the spirit. You are blessed with His love and then let Him know how grateful you are for the things you do have right now. You have exactly what you are suppose to have...enjoy it. Don't waste your thoughts on what you believe you are missing because you don't need it or you would have it.
On the positive donut side, I have a new tool box. I promise to take pictures. We bought it late yesterday but could not unload it in the rain. Hopefully today we will do it. It replaces my wire basket thing and it is strong and rolls where ever I need it. So today I will be moving it into the studio and beginning sketches on the 5 ft by 5 ft painting for my Arizona collector. Also will try to finish up my plans for my upcoming workshop. I think I will have one here in Mt Vernon and one at Dena Wenmoh's Ranch at the Bunkhouse. Dallas is still not ruled out either. Eventually there will be two or three guest rooms right here at the lake in our home and you will come here to work in my studio with me. Again if you have not emailed me to let me know you want the schedule, do so now. Email me that you are interested in receiving the workshop information. Email here.
OH yes, stop by the CFAI site and see the final work posted for the December Art Challenge. The winners will be up by January 1st.