'Autumn Winds'
30 x 30 Acryilc on Canvas
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009
The Painting: Delicious. It was delicious painting with an orange sherbet color. But gee, look outside and see all the golden leaves tinted with this orange sherbet color and you can't help but want to paint it. THICK paint adorns this canvas as you can tell by the ridges of paint piling on edge as I pulled the colors.
The Thought: Have you ever had to pick up the phone and dial for tech support on your computer? I added Snow Leopard to my Mac. Somehow the morning after adding Snow Leopard, several of my itune folders were empty of favorite songs, like Josh Radin and Ellis Paul etc. I was painting in acrylic at the time I discovered this so I had to wash the brush and give up on the painting to call Tech Support. I simply cannot function in the studio with out my music.
Well, I didn't really think about this call being tech support, but it was. I went through the website at Apple.com and clicked the support button and answered 5 questions and then it said I would get a call back from an Apple Technician. By the time I finished reading those words, the phone was ringing. It was Apple Tech Support.
I am impressed.
What we determined was it was snow leopard and it wasn't snow leopard. It had something to do with the youngest daughter trying to charge her NANO on my computer. Somehow many of my folders remained but the songs were gone. Some of you realize that this is music accumulated over the past four years. Lots of music. I had played the music the day before but when Snow Leopard was added something readjusted in Itunes and poof.... the folders were empty. NOT all of them, but some of them.
MAC has this wonderful feature called TIME MACHINE. I do believe one could write a fabulous novel or movie based on a kid at their computer with TIME MACHINE. You simple click the button and the screen goes starry like and pulls you into a vacuum back in time. Suddenly your computer is at the date you set. I love it. The kid would too if he really screwed up, he has an opportunity at take backs. Too bad life is not like that. We retrieved the missing music and reset two library files at the same time. Presto it was fixed.
I commented how great it was to have such fabulous tech support. He said, well you have 154 days left of tech support. You have to pay for tech support each year. I can't remember why I would have done it, but YEAH FOR ME...I had it. I will make sure I buy it again as reaching a real person in less than two minutes that actually speaks English with out an accent (For my old ears) is a miracle these days.
The only thing faster and more efficient than Mac Tech Support is GOD support. God's is 24/7 and instantaneous if you allow Him into your heart. No, He can't do the time machine go backwards thing, but He can provide instant peace as you step forward. GTS God's Technical Support... Pray it forward.