24 x 48 inches
Oil on Canvas
Commission Painting...SOLD
Contact me for Commission Paintings: Laurie

The Thought: Powerful people are truly not very powerful, are they? There are those folks in your lives that play board games with a life or death attitude. They give new definition to "Playing to win." Often if they lose, the other players secretly smile and sigh in relief. You can even watch the others begin to band together as they are playing the game, trying to trip up the powerful person.
Do people like this in your life cause a negative pull on your emotions? It often makes us want to throw a monkey wrench into situations like an "I told you so". My dad always taught us to walk away whenever possible. Run away from thoughts of vengeance. Proud powerful people will sink themselves eventually, you do not have to do it for them. Remember the old adage, "Pride goeth before the fall"? Powerful people often forget who truly holds the power. No one can glorify themselves and the Lord at the same time.
Peter writes to us, "Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time." 1 Peter 5:6
His Grace provides for you today.
"There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." Proverbs 6:16-19
Website, Laurie Justus Pace
Website, The Painted Pony
Blog, A Texas Contemporary Artist Where I post a thought for the day with my painting.
Blog, Wonders of the Heart
Jackson, Wyoming – The Rare Gallery
Penn Yan, New York—Earthworks Art Gallery
The Village of Granville, Ohio—The Gillian Jones Gallery
Marble Falls, Texas – Patina of Marble Falls
Dallas, Texas—The Dutch Art Gallery
Atascadero, California – The Red Tree Gallery
El Dorado Hills, California—Our House Gallery
Hong Kong – SR Gallery
Erie, Colorado – The Daily Painters
Dallas,Texas – The Daily Painters of Texas
Centennial, Colorado—The Daily Painters Abstract
Dallas, Texas - Artists of Texas
WAOW, Associate Member Women Artist Out West
OPA, Associate Member Oil Painters of America
AWS, American Watercolor Society
The Five Graces, 5Graces
Ask Art, Blue Book of Artists