A Painting A Day: Eruption of color and movement are what comes to mind when I think of this piece. It began totally as a different subject and the subtle movement of twisting color brought this composition into focus as a thick dimensional feeling emerged. Areas of paint are up to 3/4inch thick. Those are the wonderful Holbein Duo Oils I use... no impastos on this baby!
A Thought for the Day:
There are those days in life that seem out of focus. From the moment you wake and throw off the covers it feels different. At first it might be thoughts of, "I didn't sleep well last night... I could use another hour of sleep." or "Is it Sunday or Monday?" That is my favorite. With Terry working a weird schedule from the rest of the world, I never know what day it is.
Trying to get your thoughts and body back into focus is not the easiest thing. Our world is complicated and confusing most of the time due to our own choices. When we are on overload, that is when the 'out of focus' seems to creep in. Despite this chaos and momentary feeling of confusion, there is something to be learned. For most of us, it is the need to simplify and foucs on what is REALLY important in life.
Easy to say, but responding to things with a peaceful heart is the best for your health.
Remain calm today no matter what confronts you. Bring your life back into focus. This will inspire the others around you to be calm as well.
“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” Psalm 90:2, 4