"For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm." Proverbs 1:32-33
THE PAINTING TODAY: This is a painting done several years ago. I have a huge mess here after our big storm yesterday and scrambling to post this morning. This is a palette knife painting with warm colors on a field of blue and green. The contrast is there, but the feeling of the composition is one of calmness. Hence I named it "with grace".
My Thought for Today:
Yesterday was NOT a typical day at all and this "thought" is not typical either! I had an opening last night at a new super doctor clinic in town with my art work.... and was looking to a calm day of painting and getting ready for the show.
It had begun raining and storming on Wednesday night... and all through the night it rained and stormed. We thought it was to be a passing squall line... but no.. it was not. Thursday morning dawned to more more rain. Terry left for work about 5:30 am and I was doing bookwork in the studio and cleaning up paints. Morgan left for work at 9 and I checked the radar and realized the storm was growing. By 10:30 the lightening was so severe it was literally crashing outside every window .. POP POP POP... and I heard bang thud on the roof. Then the roof started leaking in the garden room...I began to sense urgency as I raised the blinds on our 8 ft south window in the bedroom and realized the rain was hitting it full force from the south. The storm was out of the north... it was a micro burst of reverse winds and rain. The power kept going on and off. I went to the side window by the baby grand and the water was up on the window sill. I than hurried to the front door and found the front planter box (Which is huge) totally holding water and the water trying to back fill into the house.
Grabbing a bucket, I began bailing out the flower bed in the midst of the storm. It was filling as fast as I was bailing. I put several frantic calls into Terry who did not answer the phone and went through a phone contact at his work to find him. When he arrived home we were both out in the storm trenching ditches to pull the water away from the house where it was up over where it should be. That took us almost three hours. We were both drenched and very muddy. This is work to be finished this next week...instead of starting our bathroom renovations.
At the bottom of our hill (We are two houses from the bottom) the streets were flooded almost up to the doors of the houses and there were cars submerged. I could not take pictures in the rain because I was so busy trying to save our house.
The back yard looked worse. We have huge trees that lost limbs bigger than most small trees. I think that is what hit the roof and bounced off. Annie dog hide in the shower in our bathroom and Paddy was glued to my side. This day will be filled with clean up.
We made the clinic opening and it was wonderful. Great food, folks and fun. Found out that the new clinic had flooded that morning before they even opened. The rain definitely got the best of the situation all the way around. The new clinic is HealthCareClinics.com here in Dallas. Open 7 days a week, 13 hours a day and they have OBGYN, Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, CTScan, Xray, etc etc. They literally cover it all. The facility was designed for the task with over 46 exam rooms. It is unbelievable. It was an honor to have them purchase paintings for the new office.
It had begun raining and storming on Wednesday night... and all through the night it rained and stormed. We thought it was to be a passing squall line... but no.. it was not. Thursday morning dawned to more more rain. Terry left for work about 5:30 am and I was doing bookwork in the studio and cleaning up paints. Morgan left for work at 9 and I checked the radar and realized the storm was growing. By 10:30 the lightening was so severe it was literally crashing outside every window .. POP POP POP... and I heard bang thud on the roof. Then the roof started leaking in the garden room...I began to sense urgency as I raised the blinds on our 8 ft south window in the bedroom and realized the rain was hitting it full force from the south. The storm was out of the north... it was a micro burst of reverse winds and rain. The power kept going on and off. I went to the side window by the baby grand and the water was up on the window sill. I than hurried to the front door and found the front planter box (Which is huge) totally holding water and the water trying to back fill into the house.
Grabbing a bucket, I began bailing out the flower bed in the midst of the storm. It was filling as fast as I was bailing. I put several frantic calls into Terry who did not answer the phone and went through a phone contact at his work to find him. When he arrived home we were both out in the storm trenching ditches to pull the water away from the house where it was up over where it should be. That took us almost three hours. We were both drenched and very muddy. This is work to be finished this next week...instead of starting our bathroom renovations.
At the bottom of our hill (We are two houses from the bottom) the streets were flooded almost up to the doors of the houses and there were cars submerged. I could not take pictures in the rain because I was so busy trying to save our house.
The back yard looked worse. We have huge trees that lost limbs bigger than most small trees. I think that is what hit the roof and bounced off. Annie dog hide in the shower in our bathroom and Paddy was glued to my side. This day will be filled with clean up.
We made the clinic opening and it was wonderful. Great food, folks and fun. Found out that the new clinic had flooded that morning before they even opened. The rain definitely got the best of the situation all the way around. The new clinic is HealthCareClinics.com here in Dallas. Open 7 days a week, 13 hours a day and they have OBGYN, Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, CTScan, Xray, etc etc. They literally cover it all. The facility was designed for the task with over 46 exam rooms. It is unbelievable. It was an honor to have them purchase paintings for the new office.
We gave thanks over many times yesterday to God for sparing us from what could have happened. All of this is in His power and we know He will provide what we need for us to move forward. Remember those in the world today that are affected by storms. Many lose their homes from flooding...they lose their lives and all the human treasures they have stored. Bless them to remember that God has more for them and sometimes we have to lose to gain.
I could not take many pictures as the work was immediate need... but I took some after shots and pictures from the opening.
May He bless your day with soft winds and sunshine.
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.” Psalm 19: 1-2
Love you both