Hydrangeas from the Finger Lakes Flower Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
Contact me if you are interested in this painting: Laurie

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
Terry and I yesterday morning, starting our day. We left and walked for an hour.

Then we drove out to Maggiano's where Morgan works and had anniversary lunch.
YUMMM. Dessert came out with candles.
Enjoy the journey and enjoy the destination. Makes you reflective on anniversaries. I have known this man since I was 11. We definitely have experienced much of life together. Our journey continues as does our love and respect for each other. We had so many best wishes from our close friends and families, Thank you! I especially love the antique Hummel Figurine we received... oh it tugs at our hearts.YUMMM. Dessert came out with candles.
Often in life we make some decision that we want something. We do everything with in our power to get it. We work relentlessly to make the ducks waddle in a row... and we wait eagerly with our fork for the iced cake to arrive on a plate.
How many times has the cake arrived and it was not the cake you thought you ordered, or the cake tasted like sawdust and the icing like chalk? When we jump off into things with out prayerful consideration we open ourselves up to hard work trying to get somewhere we won't like when we get there.
Soar today on the wings of your imagination and believe God inspires you as you go. His guidance will lift you to new places and new things you never would have considered. Allowing Him to be apart of your decisions and your planning opens up infinite possibilities for you.
Flow with His divine order through the experiences in your life and trust His Spirit to provide the courage to make the correct decisions and then go after that destination.
“My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,” James 1:19