Contemporary Art Palette Knife Horse Oil Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 x 2 inches of incredible thick paint pulled on this canvas!
Contact me to purchase or commission one in your colors. Laurie
This one sold today from the blog! Thank you!!
Contemporary Art Palette Knife Horse Oil Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 x 2 inches of incredible thick paint pulled on this canvas!
Contact me to purchase or commission one in your colors. Laurie
This one sold today from the blog! Thank you!!

I should not even be up right now. This is even thirty minutes earlier than I normally arrive at the computer. (Kathy, you get to read my blog on time this morning!) Terry was sleeping sound and I woke to his snoring. Then I kept thinking about the last 8 x 10 painting I need to finish and the bookwork I did not do yesterday. I worked yesterday from 5:30 am until 9:15 last night NON STOP. Normally I would NOT work on Sunday, but we had 18 paintings to get out for Christmas and we had to get them to FEDEX today. I have three of those still hanging on the wall drying until the last second before Terry tucks the into their boxes for their trips "home".
It was a choice I made to give up my Sunday to ensure all of these pieces made it in time for Christmas. So many were from husbands that phoned me via their cells and we planned, plotted and I painted so they could surprise their wives with a painting. I also had several folks that purchased posters as gifts and since this is Pray it Forward and Pay as you Wish month, I contacted them and asked if I could substitute hand embellished giclees stretched and ready to frame. I was still working on these yesterday as well. Again it was my choice to work yesterday.
And a side benefit was learning to take a picture with my cell phone and send it. I know there is probably an easier way, but at least I can do it now!
Doesn't make sense after the blog from the day before about finding joy and taking care of yourself, but I was driven by that powerful sense of responsibility my parents drilled into me, to finish the job at hand. My choice today is get this last one done and finish up my book work and have about three restful days off from hard labor IN THE STUDIO. There is much more to do out in the world of my house.
Our choices affect our lives and the lives of those around us. Every day we are creating a new part of our life. Every day we start anew with the opportunity of choice before us. I believe that God is our one true source when it comes to gathering direction when we need to make choices. Be open today to Him and He will lead you where you need to be. When things grow chaotic, step away, if only in your mind and thoughts, and focus on the Holy Spirit within you. By directing your thoughts to prayer you keep the squirrels from racing around in your head with those "What ifs" and "What about" and "I can't do it" Open your heart to His voice and allow your mind to take in His divine wisdom. The answers will come. They are actually there now, you just are not ready to see them and accept them.
You have in your life the incredible gift of God's insight and understanding. Make wise choices today. Remember this week is our Joy week in Advent. Be joyful through it all. He is there with you.
Joy and Abundance,
"My mouth shall speak wisdom; the meditation of my heart shall be understanding." Psalm 49:3