It is not quite done, but close enough to post. She is out of my thoughts in anticipation of the upcoming grandchild. Hence she comes armed with crayons. Her name is Tink right now, but we truly do not know the sex of the baby coming. I may have to think boy next time. We have been calling the baby TINK so we have a name for praying about and talking to. Tink is short for TINKERBELL if it is a girl, and sTinker if it is a boy. We will have to wait on the Lord to reveal what this tiny one is!
Waiting is not always the easiest thing in the world. Can you name anyone you know that is NOT waiting for something to happen in their lives? OR can you name anyone that LIKES to wait on something? I guess this too is part of our trait as a human.
Whether it be waiting on traffic to clear so you can arrive at a destination on time, or waiting for your child to hurry out of school to be picked up, or waiting for the doctor's office to call with test results....seems like we are always waiting.
Waiting for something.
Impatience usually flares its ugly head during the process; and with me, a lot of deep sighing and resignation as my thoughts fly as to "WHY?" Many folks feel isolated and alone waiting often in fear that an outcome will not be positive. Some of us loose many days of worry while we wait, spinning what if thoughts about in our head. It really does not help does it?
I can only assure you today, and expect you to assure me back, that we are never alone during our "waits". God is always there. His love is perfect love and His peace is there for us to partake in 24 hours a day. What ever is to be that you are waiting on, will take place in due time. Meanwhile, know you are not alone as you wait. During this time glorify Him as He works for you. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. And from my favorite verse, " Those who hope in the Lord, will renew their strength,; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint" paraphrased from Isaiah 40.
What ever you are waiting on, know you are not alone today or any day. Turn around, open your arms to Him. Rest in the Lord while you wait.
“Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.” Psalm 27:14