Purple Haze
Contemporary Art, Horse Palette Knife Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 24 x 2 inches of thick oil piled on an acrylic scrapped backgroun.
Contemporary Art, Horse Palette Knife Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 24 x 2 inches of thick oil piled on an acrylic scrapped backgroun.

Things are crazy here. I have been trying to update my website but can't get there. I am doing a clear out sale of work from earlier this year still in galleries and a few pieces here. If you are truly looking for art, email me and I can send you the list and prices on the pieces. LAURIE
I sold three new pieces this weekend NOT on sale and then over the past 24 hours a few of the older pieces at good prices. Time to think about holiday gifts for sure, and I will take payments if necessary.
This morning I am late blogging as we had to drive out to the airport for Terry to do his vacation bid. He is thinking more about retirement daily as we make it through these winter months. I was waiting for him in the office waiting area this morning and a group of AA hanger managers and trainees were there conversing. One was remarkably nice and just getting off his night shift. Then there were two men training, new hires, and then two other men, one of which I was ready to brain, but prayed for him instead. Airline mechanics are licensed. They have to maintain their license YEARLY. At Alliance Airport, where Terry was for 12 years before transferring to the hanger at DFW, most of the mechanics held four year college degrees and two years of AP license training. I guarantee that is more than those managers had. The one spoke so condescending toward the mechanics in the hanger as if they were untrained animals. It caught my breath and took it away. Mention of teaching them and having coaches with them for 6 months at a time to train them how to do turnover. Help me Lord. Terry has been doing turnovers for 20 years. I think Management needs to watch how they talk in public. I reaffirm that one of the men coming off shift was not that way at all. Has to be one bad apple in every basket I guess.
Today beware of gossiping and talking where your thoughts are heard by other folks. You might look around to see who is listening but you forget the Big Guy is always listening. He knows your thoughts before you do.
I am off to clean up around the studio and finish up some ballerian sketches for four small commission pieces!
"Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies." Psalm 34:13