Horse Painting Acrylic Varnish Overlays by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches
Donated Commission piece for Texoma Club
Contact me for something similar! This is my new series of old western book pages behind the painting! Laurie
Horse Painting Acrylic Varnish Overlays by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches
Donated Commission piece for Texoma Club
Contact me for something similar! This is my new series of old western book pages behind the painting! Laurie

Wednesday is here already! My day is already laid out before it starts but that is okay. God is in charge and I trust in the path he has ahead for me.
I immediately am asking prayer for my sister-in-law's mother, Sharon. I cannot share much as I only have sketchy information, but she is in intensive care following a pretty bad car accident late yesterday.
From one minute to the next we never know what is unfolding in our lives. We can only live for this moment right now and trust in Him to know what is in the path ahead. There were always be obstacles and challeng. Some will be tougher than others. That is where I am today as many of you, in a crossroads of insecurity not knowing what will unfold with this recession and our lives for the future. Layoffs are happening in all companies. American Airlines is reported a huge loss for third quarter. That affects us.
The bible tells us not to worry about those things. One of my favorite chapters in the bible is Matthew 6. I added a link for those of you that do not have a bible handy. It covers several important things in our lives to reflect on, but today I am looking at verses 25-34. Worry cannot add anything to our lives. It will not solve anything, it will not cure anyone, it will not mend anything, it will not add anything to your life in any way. Medical study has proven it only takes away from your life... it causes depression and reduces your life span and can lead to heart attacks etc.
It is our responsibility to help each other through the times of worry. I imagine those first fleeting thoughts of worry are okay and are actually useful as you can turn to God in prayer and refocus on something else. Sometimes Worry is like Fear... a little goes a long way, but do not allow it to eat up your life and consume your everyday. Leave that to our Father. He knows what we need before we know what we need. We are precious to Him, is He precious to you?
Grace, Laurie
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:33-34.