Abstract Horse Mixed Media Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
22 x 28 Overlays Collage Paper, Acrylics and Varnish
Contact to Purchase and mention title: Laurie
Abstract Horse Mixed Media Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
22 x 28 Overlays Collage Paper, Acrylics and Varnish
Contact to Purchase and mention title: Laurie

I experimented further with plain paper, layering it patiently with varnish layers and then painting in layers over it. I guess there are about four layers of paint. Today I will add at least five more layers of varnish to the top.
This has been a mission with me to try different things for expression. I have a question and I am sure I will get various answers and probably many of them. What would be your feelings if I used old bibles that are basically in tatters. No spine left, pages deteriorating etc...I am giving thought to using them in a piece of art that would last hopefully another century or more. Terry and I talked about this in depth how reactions could vary. I would only use pages from bibles that are basically in pieces. Almost reminded me a making a quilt where you use pieces of fabric from your past to make something to carry you into the future. I don't know but email me with your thoughts, or leave a comment.
Terry just left for work. Hummm, I think I am glad! He spent the last few days glued to the computer non-stop. Vicki Fletcher suggested I make him a list so he can see it daily on what is left to be done. I will do this today. I finished up the website for her husband, Paul Fletcher, one of our oldest friends and in a day or two I will give you the site to stop in and see it. I have not uploaded it to the server yet. Paul is running for Sheriff of Franklin County, Texas.
Pray for those that will be affected by the rains and winds of Hurricane Ike. I spoke with one of the owners of ACTWDWebhosting also side known as Webhostingforidiots... my server company of 7 years...(they are totally awesome people to work with. Incredible help desk and quick response to questions for us idiots.) and she was mentioning how the folks in Houston are truly preparing for this storm. There will be evacuations as many families leave and head other directions. Unfortunately if the storm continues it's track it will cover the great state of Texas.
I am praying for calm for those so greatly worried, as well as for their safety and wisdom as they make decisions on what to do with their homes, families and pets. Let's offer comfort through our prayers. We can let His light shine through us, even through a hurricane!
"As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you."--Isaiah 66:13