My Sister
Commissioned Painting Girl, Dog and Horse by Laurie Justus Pace
This was painted about four or five years ago, but I was going through old pictures and found it!
Commissioned Painting Girl, Dog and Horse by Laurie Justus Pace
This was painted about four or five years ago, but I was going through old pictures and found it!

Yes, I have not been painting as much to finish things. I had to dig in old files to post this morning and chose this sweet commission piece I did for a collector in the south. I love working with memories!
Yesterday we tenderly drove my dad to a VA facility in our area of Texas that has an Alzheimers Wing. My older brother, my loving husband and I gently moved him from the respite care he was in to this facility where we all feel he will get better care. The folks there are small town folk with huge hearts. They all chipped in to help us get him settled as Mom filled out mountains of paper work. It is sad knowing he is an hour away instead of two miles away, but we firmly believe the care is the best we could find. It was a sad day for all of us and yet we must stand firm in God's grace knowing the decisions we made were not in haste. They were made to provide him with the best care possible. I cannot even begin to tell you the pain in my heart right now, yet I must grasp His Grace in knowing His peace.
Trusting in God, all shall be healed. I am reassured by Him and His promise.
"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for you are my praise."--Jeremiah 17:14