Dance of The Veils Two
Contemporary Oil Painting of a Dancer by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x24 inches
Inquiries: Laurie
Contemporary Oil Painting of a Dancer by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x24 inches
Inquiries: Laurie

At last a short moment to blog. We didn't sleep much last night. Seems that a production company was inhabiting the rooms around us and they worked through the night. NO ONE answered at the desk, but believe me they heard from us this morning. I was in the hall at three a.m. begging them to please shut their doors and allow some of us to sleep.
We have had breakfast and are heading into town to walk a bit this morning. We are also changing rooms this morning...up to the third floor. Maybe we will sleep tonight. I hope we sleep somewhere soon....
We stopped by the gallery yesterday. Half of the work is hung. I will take pictures today when we stop in! More to come.
We continue to grasp tightly to the Lord and know we are where we are suppose to be and the journey is for a reason. In His time it will be known. I am so grateful to have my supportive loving husband to shore me up when I fall. Fall down the curb, fall asleep in the chair, fall to the demise of depression of wanting to go home. He always tells me at night after we have prayed and we are ready to fall asleep that he has my backside. I know God is in him and that is why he is with me. I could have never been married to a non believer. It is our faith and our constant prayers that we make each day.
Think today of those in your life that cover your backside...or shore you up when you want to fall over. Know that God is working through them to allow you to feel his love through another touch. We are touched by God every second of our lives, but somehow we neglect to realize that. So I believe he often works through those around us for comfort. He is our Father.
“Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” Jeremiah 32:17
I read your blog EVERY DAY..! It is something I look forward to every morning...reading your blog with my cat tucked in my lap and a cup of coffee. I am an artist, living in Elko, Nevada...but what I really wanted to say is that every year in September we go to Jackson Hole for the Annual Fall Arts festival and as I follow your trip there right now...I want to wish you well for your show and I hope you Sell OUT! You can't go home will be a wonderful experience. Your work is beautiful!