Horse Abstract Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 27 inches
Contact me to purchase and please mention title of painting: Laurie
Horse Abstract Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 27 inches
Contact me to purchase and please mention title of painting: Laurie

If you are not into deep thought, stop reading this blog right now....I had a lot on my mind last night when I went to bed. After about an hour, I finally let it go, so I could go to sleep. There is so much prep work for the show in Jackson Hole. I have only one more page to complete in the book I am doing with artist Carol Spielman. Sixty some odd pages of FABULOUS artwork. I will hyperlink her name so you can see her work too.
Read on with care as I try to express something from deep in my heart.
When thinking about the bible verse I posted below it was easy to think about living the straight and narrow. Not making bad choices; living clean and not doing wrong.
Then as I sat and reflected about it I decided it goes so much deeper. Destruction. We seem to destroy ourselves. Others do not have to do it for us. We are usually harder on ourselves than any one else is. We are all in search of that quiet plateau of contentment with out stress and pain for just one hour or one day or one week.
Do only a few find that? So can you lead a clean life and not do wrong to others and be in that small group that makes it through the narrow gate? This reflects that gate leading to life. Everlasting life? Life today? Or are you trapped on this side by your own thoughts.
Your life is only as good as you make it. You can be good and "clean" and not hurt others, but what about the hurt you bring onto yourself. There are many of us that stay hidden in our minds not stepping out of the comfort of our own inner turmoil. We cannot make it through the gate because we have so much destruction to our own self worth we are too busy thinking about it rather than walking toward the gate to cross through.
I pray that each of us learns to step out of our inner turmoil. This is the stuff I mention needs to be released to God. The one control we do have is letting it go. If you are like me it is much easier to try and hold onto it, manage it, hide it from others and feel so much shame tucked in neatly in our heart that we cannot find the peace that God wants us to have.
Let it go. He grants us the peace, we only have to open our hands to receive it.
I ask for prayers for my Aunt and Uncle. They are among our elderly precious group and making some life decisions right now. My Aunt is recovering from hip surgery following a fall last Thursday.
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14