Odd Tree Central Park New York
Landscape in Oil by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 x 2 inches
Inquiries: Laurie
Landscape in Oil by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 x 2 inches
Inquiries: Laurie

Deep into summer here in Texas I always find myself seeking shade when I am outside. When Mom and I were over at her new house for a visit two days ago, Kyle was there planning the back beds and the water feature. I kept urging mother into the shade. Temperatures are hovering at the 100 plus mark already and this is but June. Usually we see those in late July and early August, so that sort of concerns me. Rain is scarce and the water tables are beginning to drop. Then Terry told me about the Pythons that are spreading across the southern US and how far north we have to move to be safe. An epidemic of pythons? Sounds like something out of the Bible for sure. They are always seeking shade under something where you do not see them.
Being aware in our lives is of utmost importance to our survival. We are precious to the Lord and He offers up all we need to make this journey. Some days it is in the form of intuition to not do something or to take a different route to work. Other days it is when we cannot find something we have hidden from ourselves, and He places it before us. He is the voice in our head that speaks up against our inner child voice. No matter what or where he is there. He is our shade in the sun, our refuge from the world.
Mom is still slow in recovery from surgery. Fever seems to hang on in the late afternoon, but morning and evening she is clear. She began walking my hallways yesterday to begin building back her strength. Now if I can get her to eat! Terry and I have worked all week to preparing tantalizing foods to tempt her appetite. Morgan brought in food from Maggiano's yesterday for her to eat for lunch. She eats less than a bird and I am watching the weight fall off of her. I am hoping once she is up and moving and back feeling like she is gaining ground she will find her appetite again. Six bites of fruit does not a breakfast make.
"And who is a rock besides our God?- the God who girded me with strength, and made my way safe."-Psalm 18:31-32