Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
11 x 14 inches
Contact me with inquiries. Laurie
Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
11 x 14 inches
Contact me with inquiries. Laurie

Okay I am behind more before I even started this morning. OUR POWER has been out since eleven yesterday morning. JUST came back on. I have only a few hours to work before Dad comes to visit so this is a SHORT blog today!
Terry and I did two and a half miles late yesterday so our walking continues. His dad joined us and then we went back to his place to visit and share memories. Always a pleasure. His dad is one of those light/joy passers and always leaves you feeling positive and uplifted when you leave his presence. Your worries and frustrations just melt away. He shared some cherished moments with us and made us chuckle. He lives in an apt condominium for the older folks and he was created a beautiful garden for the residents to sit in and enjoy. We were honored with a tour of the flowers and plants he is growing. The center is helping with benches strategically placed for residents to sit and enjoy his labors.
When I see things like this, and feel things like this, I know the Lord's power is strong and flowing straight through him and to all those he touches with his flower and his conversation. He never meets a stranger and he is kind to all. He lives life simply and is not ruffled much by the bumps knowing the Lord is in the drivers seat and he will get to the destination eventually, but meanwhile he concentrates on spreading joy and laughter and love.
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”Ephesians 6:4