Reflective Thoughts ~ Horse Abstract by Laurie Justus Pace
22 x 28 Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for pricing or commission work.
email: Laurie
22 x 28 Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for pricing or commission work.
email: Laurie

This was an experience painting that created itself. I wish I could get a better picture of it, but this is as good as it gets right now!
I have on my pedometer. Two days ago I did 7750 steps and yesterday fell to 4000 steps. This is my weight issue I am sure. BUT I Have lost TWO pounds. I will be walking much much more today!
I had a blog idea lined up this morning but it will have to wait....I opened email this morning to find this award passed on to me from someone I have never met. At the moment the music to here blog plays softly in the background ebbing and flowing with a love and a soft touch. I do not know Melanie, but I am a step closer reading her blog this morning. She passed this award on to me. ME? Why me....I am the one that does not do chain anythings...letters, wishes, threats...none. At the early age of 8 I decided I didn't like the built in negativity. I literally tore up and would not open anything that was a CHAIN LETTER....BUT with this I cannot see negativity...I see the simplicity of joy of meeting some bloggers I did not know. Melanie is a pastor's wife and I truly enjoyed visiting her blog and then connecting on to her friends she chose to share the award with. God sometimes injects these niceties in our life and we have to be open to them! I hope the folks I choose realize they do not have to participate unless they want to, but I will send this bit of joy on with a prayer, full heart and a hug. Below are the seven bloggers I deeply respect and enjoy.

Here is the description of the award:
"This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you've been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award."
Not sure any of these folks have the time to do this. And normally I would NOT have done it, but Melanie's note touched my heart and I decided this would be a good way to share links with my readers of some fabulous folks in my life.
Could not write in a small note how much this artist means to me. When I first began selling online she opened her heart to me and helped me find my way in the maze. Diane is not only a good friend, she is one of the best artists I know. Her honesty, integrity and direct approach to both life and her artwork is incredible. Fellow member of Daily Painters and The Five Graces.
I have known this artist since high school days... and that is a long time! Old age has brought us together closer in so many ways and our friendship is a delight to me. Debbie walks in the light of the Lord and it reflects in all she does. Fellow Member of Daily Painters and The Five Graces.
I know Diane through the Daily Painters and her work is ALWAYS an inspiration. From it shines the truest of love and best of moments! Fellow Member of Daily Painters
This was a no brainer to share for art and touching inside the soul. I had the honor of working on a committee to put ads together for the Daily Painters and Windy's artwork spoke to my heart from the first jpg I opened. I do not know her personally at all, but know she is gifted greatly from the Lord and uses her gift.
FABULOUS ARTIST and great blogger. Don contacted me about six months ago and we visited about our faith and our art. I have only known him a short time, but have enjoyed his sense of humor, his art and appreciate his emails filled with faith and encouragement. And Don, I love Goldie too!
ENERGY abounds with this woman! Her art is as solid as her heart. She has picked me up in the down times and laughed with me at myself. Incredible. She has two blogs but I just connected to one! Fellow member of the Daily Painters .
I personally do not know Mike other than the DP site, but I LOVE bird watching on his sight. He owns my heart when it comes to his feathered friends compositions. Him personally I only know from our message board at DP and his reflections are always positive. Fellow member of the Daily Painters
I thank God for the joy he provides in my life with these wonderful friends! Thank you Melanie for sharing this award with me.
"Jonathan said to David, "Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the LORD, saying, 'The LORD is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever.' " 1 Samuel 20:42
I am SO glad that this award touched your heart. I've been like you... I hate those "pass along" emails - chain letters etc. But, like you, I felt this one to be different.
Glad you enjoyed "meeting" me... it's probably a little amazing to think how many people admire your art and you don't even know them. I normally wouldn't have written - just quietly observed your blogs and art, but I'm glad I picked up the courage to tell you that you make a difference in my day!
GREAT way to start a day! I am on my own for the other 5,000!