MEDITERRANEAN MORNING ~ Landscape by Laurie Justus Pace
6 x 24 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home
Contact me for commissions or pricing. Click here.
6 x 24 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home
Contact me for commissions or pricing. Click here.

This is a tall thin painting waiting for the perfect spot in your home! Thick ridge paint offers the touch of impressionism on steroids.
We are hoping today to know what house will be ours. We are working two contracts with much prayer. One is a large five bedroom with a pretty nice painting area and lovely flowerbeds and gardens. The second came up late yesterday and we scrambled through traffic to cross Dallas to see it. It is a contemporary modern home of the late fifties, early sixties. Round rock walls and unique classic lines. Not much yard but enough for the dogs. It is in a sought after area and we knew if we didn't get over there and offer a contract there would be no chance of it. We left here and thirty minutes into our one hour journey the Realtor phoned saying someone offered full price sight unseen. We pressed on and saw it. I actually broke down in tears in the house. It is the home of an artist. As we walked through it we noticed the creative beauty and energy in the house was tremendous. I cannot even begin to describe it. I only know we wrote a contract offering more than list price and now it is in the Lord's hands. Today sometimes, we hope to have one of these homes under final signatures and a destination planned.
God has a way to press his points. I was in tears yesterday battling the contract of the five bedroom home alone. Terry had forgotten his phone and there was no way to contact him as I negotiated. I was so frustrated I phoned Niki and cried. There simply was not anything else in the area that would support my art work in the home with out major renovations. It was only fifteen minutes later that daughter Stacey phoned with excitement of the new listing that just popped up on her watch screen at work. (Yes she works for a real estate firm too!) This obviously was God's way to redirect my energies and emotions. We will see where it goes today. I know the verse below is true, we will be brought to our home by the strength of his hand alone.
In His Light and by His strength,
“Moses said to the people, ‘Remember this day on which you came out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, because the Lord brought you out from there by strength of hand.’”—Exodus 13:3