Intrigue ~ Horse Equine Art by Laurie Justus Pace
30 x 30 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home
30 x 30 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home

I marked this sold because it is going to the gallery in Hong Kong, The SR Gallery. I have just finished up three pieces that will be mailed tomorrow and four more to go. I have really enjoyed working with this gallery owner. I did some commission pieces for her last spring. She does interior decorating as well.
Cooperation has to be my topic this morning. I had a dog that did not want to cooperate last night. It was almost dusk and I asked Terry if we could take a walk, just the two of us with out the dogs. He eagerly agreed and we had a nice two mile walk. As we returned to the front yard we spotted a woman walking down the side road with her dog and the next thing we noted was our female grandmotherly dog darting out from the yard. HOW? Brendan had mowed and he told me the gates were latched and locked. Well the big gate is two swinging gates and if the ground posts are not shoved into the ground next to each other, the dogs can push the bottom of the gates open and push through. Thanks goodness Paddy isn't intelligent enough to do it, only Annie, the street wise dog was. It was totally pitch dark by this time. We grabbed large spot flash lights, leashes and took off in the truck. We live on small acreage and it is easier to canvas the area via truck. Brendan and his family saw us chasing her and they joined into the chase. She went everywhere, across the creek, through the horse pastures, through the sheep pastures...everywhere and despite the five people trying to save her from coyotes, she was not cooperating with being saved. Normally she comes home on her own, but I was frantic with the dark and the knowledge of the coyotes in the area.
Is that how your life is? Are you out there living the life, pushing the edge and not seeing the dangers around you? I am sure we all have folks in our lives trying to save us and point us in the right direction. As humans, we normally think we know best and do it our way. Perhaps it is time to consult the Lord on direction. My dog didn't want to be saved either. She did not cooperate. You might be the person on the other side of the situation, wanting to save someone that is out on the edge prowling around at night. You cannot save them...only God can, but you can pray for them to have wisdom as their eyes are open to the grace of our Father.
When Annie finally tuckered out, Brendan's little sister, Victoria, reached out to her and Annie came immediately to her arms. Terry leashed her and walk her back to the truck. He opened the back door and popped her in the back seat. I almost got sick she smelled soooo bad. Yeah we had to brush all the thorns and grass out of her coat and then bathe her last night. Not my favorite. Cooperation would have been the better choice.
“As for Titus, he is my partner and co-worker in your service; as for our brothers, they are messengers of the churches, the glory of Christ.”—2 Corinthians 8:23