IN HER GARDEN By Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 30 unframed, with the frame it is 30 x 36 inches.
Clearing out from NY Show, Custom Framed from The Dutch Art Gallery
This painting is looking for it's home...gorgeous impressionism with layers
of paint, all applied with a palette knife.
24 x 30 unframed, with the frame it is 30 x 36 inches.
Clearing out from NY Show, Custom Framed from The Dutch Art Gallery
This painting is looking for it's home...gorgeous impressionism with layers
of paint, all applied with a palette knife.

Saturday Morning has found me up early and really ready to paint. Habits are habits though and blogging my paintings comes first. The piece above was at the NY show this summer. I had it sent home to sell from the blog or from eBay, which ever happens first. If you need a really large piece, NICE large piece and you like this, email me as it is looking for its home. The brown paper on the back of the painting has a slight tear in it, but the painting and the frame are in perfect condition. I do not normally post prices on the blog but will assure you it is affordable, so if you like it email me. The frame alone was $250 and I have it priced just a bit higher than this.
Old I read Daily Word this morning, which is where I often get direction for my thoughts here...I am grinning at the Lord again...I had typed all the way through the words, OLD HABITS.... just above and then typed in the bar We are in sync today with out prior knowledge or planning, " I breathe in and feel the comfort of being filled with God’s presence. I breathe out and release any discomfort, tension, or restrictive habits in thought and deed."
Do you have some bad habits or restrictive habits? One of my worst is when I am stressed I eat. That is why I gained weight this past two years. If I could have let some of my stress go to the Lord I would probably still fit in my size ten jeans. I find it terribly hard to drop some of those old habits that keep me restricted in thought and in my negative frame of mind. Why do we find it so difficult to let go of things? We bring 99 percent of our stress on our selves. We do not even have to have others helping us. God is in control, but we have control over our thoughts and our habits, we simply cannot let go of them.
Today begin something new, rest in the Lord, REST. Let go of any negative thought today. When the next one creeps into your mind, LET IT GO. Do not allow it to rob you of the joy that the Lord has for you. REST. Prepare for the spring yet to follow the winter. REST. Prepare for new growth, new thoughts and the new habit of letting go and letting GOD.
“Look at the fig tree and all the trees; … as they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know that summer is already near.”—Luke 21:29-30