11 x 14 inches
Oil on Panel
A Painting a Day
11 x 14 inches
Oil on Panel
A Painting a Day

Monday Monday...horses are on my easel but not this post! Three horse heads drawn on last month but not painted yet...but they are ready to come to life. This painting was from the trip...a piece painted from Colorado. Beautiful color and contrast in this capture of light and beauty...or at least my attempt at it! The Lord's beauty shines so brightly I know I barely do it justice.
Today is shipping and the bug man is coming to spray. We use ECO SAFE out of Dallas and it is basically ORANGE OIL etc. I do not use chemicals in my home. Then it is off to FedEX. Terry has one week left of vacation. I am so glad he is not working in this heat.
Saturday we had the dogs groomed. We have been trying to keep them clean and fighting the summer muck outside. It dawned on me this morning that Annie is older than I am. She is 8 this month...makes her 56. I need to find her bed, Terry was washing them on Sat but they have not shown up back on the floor in the utility room for her. I KNOW I could not sleep on the floor at this age. I wake up stiff on my soft bed! Must deal with this. I celebrate the joy of the dogs and birds I have in our home and the tender heart of the Lord that blesses the beasts and birds in our lives.
As a painter of horses, I recognize the depth of the horse and man through out time. Man has always relied on the horse for work, travel and enjoyment....each painting I do celebrates and honors the strength of this glorious animal.
“Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, ‘As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the domestic animals, and every animal of the earth.’”—Genesis 9:8-10