Energy of Three
Three 18 x 27 inch canvas together creating 27 x 54 inches of color!
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
Three 18 x 27 inch canvas together creating 27 x 54 inches of color!
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

Saturday morning has not dawned yet, but I am up to do book work. I might try and paint a a bit if I get through it all, but we are Dallas bound to check on Terry's dad and take the dogs to the groomer.
I worked on these three beauties last week and finished them up yesterday. Layers of impasto and color create another dynamic trio of energy.
Amanda phoned from Wyoming and the Shooting Stars Gallery to share the news that another large painting sold for a future "Christmas Gift". That always means so much to me that paintings are gifts to be shared...that is how I view my art as one of those gifts and it is indeed an honor.
On Thursday we were in Dallas to pick up art supplies at Asel Art and to check on Terry's Dad. Looks like a bit more surgery next week for a second stint. We took him to lunch and then we went to look at one of the senior apartments at Three Fountains in Dallas. I decided once again after visiting Uncle Charles and Aunt Barbara in there apt in Denver, that these facilities remind me of College Dorm Days. It is all in the life cycle I guess! In my youth, my grandmother lived with us half the year and in St Louis with her other daughter half a year. I cherished the months she was with us. It is a time that family is important to care and share in the later years. That is how it has always been. I know in Jesus' time there were not facilities for the elderly, the elderly are to be respected and honored and cared for. All these places are truly wonderful with elegant dining rooms, all attached areas for recreation, exercise, church, cards, billards, indoor, outdoor pools etc. My simple home cannot even offer that for my parents or my father in law. I think if faced with this I would rather check into this new living abode while I was still active and young enough to enjoy it all so it became home to me. Takes almost two years for a place to feel like home. After all our moving I have that one down pat.
Gotta get to my work...too much reflecting today.
“And to the centurion Jesus said, ‘Go; let it be done for you according to your faith.’ And the servant was healed in that hour.”—Matthew 8:13