AIREDALE Attention
6 x 6 inch
Oil on Panel
A Painting a Day
6 x 6 inch
Oil on Panel
A Painting a Day

The storms were interesting yesterday. Conni Togel and daughter Annie Mae were flying in from Greensboro South Carolina in the late afternoon early evening hours. Storms gather southwest of us with tornadoes, 70 mile an hour straight line winds, hail etc and we determined the storm was to hit DFW International Airport at 6:35 pm. I scampered into the computer. Conni's flight was due at 6:35. As I pulled up the screen it was delayed to it departed Greensboro late. Not the best scenario. We left for the airport at five fifteen hoping to beat the weather to the garage parking outside the terminal. My daughter kept us abreast of the storm and we prayed that Conni's flight would somehow make it in before the storm and not be diverted. 30 min later as the rain began to lightly fall and the black/green clouds began gathering to the south of the airport, I called the info line to find her flight was due in at 6:23!
We waited with baited breath for her to come through the doors and she and Annie did greeted by tight hugs. We walked to the baggage area just as the workers announced with the storm, wind and lightening that the ramps were closed and no baggage was moving. The gate worker than walked by with two pieces of luggage that HAD made it in and they were Conni' one else's was there! We had to wait until the storm let up to leave...which was about 35 min...but headed home to the ranch after a quick stop at Steak and Shake! SHE IS HERE!!
The cute Airedale was painted yesterday. As it lists I have part of the sale going to Scottie Kingdom rescue in Dallas. Time to get back in gear!
Today I will be painting horses and then hopefully have a few days off to play with Conni....I still teach today and she is going to judge the kids artwork for their show next week! A HUGE help!
Encourage others around you today. Know that all you give you receive back ten fold.
“May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”—Romans 15:5-6