Silver Moonlight
Wild Horses at Night
24 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
Wild Horses at Night
24 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

He dances in the moonlight now, my grandson Grant. He is a twinkle in the night sky and is in the heavens during the day as well...I can look up and see him day or night. I could not even begin to tell you how many times I sang the song to my grandsons about MR MOON.
Mr Moon Mr Moon you're up too soon, the sun is still in the sky. Go back to bed and cover up
your head and wait till the day goes by.....
Not a day will go by with a prayer of thanks for his life and the gifts he left us. Stacey and Larry were given the sweetest mold of his little hand...and I almost cried out when I saw it. The last time I was in the room with him I had my fingers laced with his and then placed my fingers beneath his just to feel the weight and warm of his little hand one more time. So to see the beautiful mold Cooks Children gave them touched through my heart into my soul. My last touch, my last memory....his little hand.
I will try to remember to take a picture of Grant's only painting he did in my studio to post it next week. He called me Mum and Terry was Bampa....and I can still hear his little voice calling us. The sound echoes through out me and I pray it never leaves for he will always live in our hearts until we see him again in heaven.
In memory of Grant Hendren, Roanoke Texas, donations can be made to Autism Research.
I again cannot thank all of you who have written from reading my blog. Your words have sustained me through these days of numbness.
I can't believe it is March 1st...I lost the last week of February somewhere!
"David said further to his son, Solomon, "Be strong and of good courage, and act. Do not be afraid or dismayed; for the Lord God, My God, is with you." 1 Chronicles 28:20