Distant Colors
Wild Horse
24 x 24 inches
A Painting a Day
Wild Horse
24 x 24 inches
A Painting a Day

I decided sleep was not happening despite not going to bed till almost midnight, and I know my daughter and son are already back at the ICU right now....so I will put on my IPOD as to not wake my loving husband, and take out my emotions on my canvas. My dying grandson came to me in a dream this morning around three fifteen, I think that is what startled me awake. He said, "Mum, here I am" and had this huge silly grin on his face. He was surrounded by a rich golden light. Many of you do not know what blessings he brought to all of us. He was a gifted challenged child with severe autism. Three weeks ago he was here at the house painting with me in the studio, his first true painting on real canvas. He used acrylics and his parents have this canvas hanging in their den. It will continue on with their family for their lifetime.
Not sure how much posting will happen. I wondered why on Sunday despite a hectic schedule, I was in the studio until late afternoon painting and then after returning from dinner with friends, I painted more. I will post some of these through out the week. The one above I finished up on Saturday evening. Very vivid chocolate and red complimented with turquoise and marigold.
Grace to you all,
“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”—Romans 8:28