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SNOWFALL Contemporary Art Horse Palette Knife Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD Contact me for Commission work: Laurie As I close out the year of 2008, the flashes in my mind recall the rapid decline of my dad with his Alzheimers; my mom with her health and three hospitalizations; the closing down and moving of my mom from her home of almost 40 years; the horrendous months of no gas or electricity in this house and constant construction all around me; the free fall of the stock market and our economy; my youngest son's two bad motorcycle accidents within one week; etc. Then I smile with the joy balanced out by my daughter's pregnancy; my gallery shows in New York, Jackson Hole, Dallas and Marble Falls; an increase of sales of my art work; my mother's health improving; finding a new relationship with my older brother; watching our oldest friend be elected Sheriff of Franklin County; having electricity and gas working again in the house;
Brilliant Roses Contemporary Art Roses Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 5 x 7 Oil on Panel Contact me to Purchase: Laurie Yes, I know I did not make it back to the computer yesterday. Stacey is still on bed rest and they ran another test that the results will be back in another 24 hours so real news is tomorrow. Baby is still growing but Stacey actually lost two pounds with her bed rest. This is okay so far since Lauren is still growing. She is over four pounds now. Terry is still asleep. I must type quietly. I went to bed at seven thirty last night and was asleep in ten minutes. I was talking to Stacey on the phone as my eyelids went shut. After nine hours of sleep, I was wide awake this morning. So while he continues to sleep, I am blogging and doing paperwork for shipping. All the company is gone as of last night. Today is a day filled with wash, wash and more wash. I transferred pictures from the chili party to a slide show and will post that below. After al
SNOW ANGEL Contemporary Art for the home, Daily Painting Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches Acrylic on Canvas SOLD contact me for commission work. Laurie Only a quick picture right now. Stacey is here heading for the doctor so I will add to this blog later today! Please wait for update after lunch with her appt. Laurie
MIXING COLORS Contemporary Art Horse Daily Painting Palette Knife by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas This is a repaint of a painting posted earlier. The first painting sold and went to live on the west coast. Someone from south Texas ask for a similar painting. I do not like to do that as you can never capture the same feel a second time. I did it but she still wanted something here you have MIXING COLORS. This piece has 10 layers of paint and very thick piles of paint through out the surface. SOLD Has to be a short blog. I have been busy at the computer and it is already 7:30. The house has to be cleaned and food finished for tonight's festivities. I think I am going to branch out today to a sore subject in this family. STUBBORNNESS. Humm, do any of you know anyone like this? Stubbornness evolves from pride. We all think we know it all or we want others to think we know it all. We hold firm and stay inflexible in thinking and doing because we kn
Yellow Flowers Contemporary Art Daily Painting Flowers by Laurie Justus Pace 8 x 10 Watercolor Contact me to purchase or for commission work: Laurie This is Christmas Eve LATE NIGHT. We were eating See's Candy sent by a close friend in Sacramento. She always knows Terry loves his candy. This is late late Christmas Night and I was worn out from 6 hours of cooking and then an hour of cleaning up. Thank you Jan for your help and ever busy hands! Also Mac for pitching in that morning in the kitchen with cooking. THANK YOU GOD! I have to stay with thoughts of bible stories this morning. I keep remembering the wise judgment of King Solomon when two prostitutes came before the king. Both had given birth to babies. A few days later, one baby had died and the sneaky mother took her dead baby and laid it at the breast of the other sleeping mom. She slipped the live baby out from next to her and took that baby to her bed. When the one mother awoke and saw the dead child she was upset
Nanie's Fresh Eggs Contemporary Art Daily Painting Farm Oil by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 Oil SOLD Contact me for Commission Work. Laurie The day after... uh, my aching back! Somehow we woke to 70 degree temps this morning here in Dallas. DUH, what happened to winter? Today will be general clean up and then begin preps for Sunday's Annual Chili party. I need to stop eating as I gained back all ten pounds I lost in November. I have NOT unloaded the Christmas Pictures but will try and get something up soon. It was truly wonderful and even better that Stacey and Larry drove in from Roanoke. Doctor said she could come for Christmas but she stayed in the chair with her feet up. Truth. I have to write on Truth today. Those that know what is going on in my life right now, know I am burdened with a situation out of hand that is so close to me that it hurts. Terry and I tried to instill on our children that the most impt thing was to always tell the truth. It is hard when there a

'Morning has Broken' by Texas Artist Laurie Pace Horse equine Oil Painting

MORNING HAS BROKEN Huge Horse Equine Palette Knife Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD Morning has Broken 30" x 36" (76.2cm x 91.5cm) This painting was selected by a buyer along with three others to purchase. She fell in love with another one and this one was left behind for the new one, so it is still available. It is stunning in person with the colors and the paint is up to 7 layers in thickness. Contact me if you are interested: Laurie Merry Christmas! Joy to the World, the Lord has come. Let Earth receive her King. On this day of joy I give thanks to all of you for your support in both my art and my writing. I pray for each of you this day as we turn our hearts to the celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. May your day be blessed with the blessings of love, joy, peace, mercy, kindness and empathy as we share our prayers for those less fortunate. There are many families out there that are facing the holidays with out a loved one normall
HORSE ANGEL Contemporary Art Horse Palette Knife Daily Painting 24 x 30 x 2 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD OFF BLOG THANK YOU! Contact me to purchase or for commission work: Laurie Christmas Eve Day....I had to post this, although I am not quite done yet. This is underway on the easel. SLOWLY.. hope to finish it later before, during or after the baking of the Christmas cookies, the cleaning of the sawdust through out the house, the wash, and the food prep for tomorrow. HUMMM...and taking my car to the dealership, picking up one more gift that TP didn't pick up for the name he had, taking the girls swimming this morning indoor heated pool) and finding some new Christmas tins. Are there enough hours in this day Lord? My mom is driving up to pick Dad up for the holidays. They will eat with us tomorrow on Christmas. Stacey and Larry will be over too. This will be my second Christmas Eve with out my children. QUIET is good. Will be after the day ahead! I might suggest that I have lea
FISHING WITH BIG BROTHER Contemporary Art Daily Painting Brothers Fishing by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD For Commission Work, contact me: Laurie "This Little Light of Mine, I'm gonna let it shine..." A simple line from the simplicity of a child's song. Let your light fill the space around you. Shine out to others and brighten lives around you through every day. It seems there is more "stuff" stacking up in the world. I was in the kitchen preparing a late dinner for my two teenagers that are visiting. Left overs from an Italian Restaurant, Fresh Angel Hair Pasta, Sweet Potato French Fries, Ciabatta Bread and OJ. Terry came in the kitchen next to me and whispered, news bulletin. Now, that is not a normal serious face on my husband. He was so sickened as he told me that some person shot indiscriminately at several cars killing the drivers at several locations. One was a United Movers Driver, on his last late stop to bring furniture to a family relocating h
SNOW HERD Contemporary Art Mixed Mediums Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 Mixed Mediums on Gallery Wrap Canvas Smooth Varnish Top Layer Contact me for pricing or information: Laurie Shorter posts this week as we have a respite teenager in the house. The kitchen remodel continues and I am taking pictures for a grand slide show. What I did snap a few pictures of are things Mak and I were drawing last night while watching Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel. Terry was in the kitchen stripping cabinets. Yesterday when Liz and Darla were here working on sheetrock and electrical stuff I told them both I wanted to adopt them. Would their parents mind? They are both in their thirties and giggled of course. I told them no matter what I would add them to my will. More Chuckles followed. Mom and I had been to church and brought home Kentucky Fried Chicken and sides. I can honestly tell you I have not had KFC in about 18 months and I know why. It was the best comfort food g
A HAND UP Contemporary Art Horse Painting with Children by Laurie Justus Pace 20 x 20 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD Contact me for Commission work: Laurie LOVE, all you need is LOVE! Love it the last candle to light for the fourth Sunday in Advent. I was going to post pictures from the construction in the kitchen but hope there will be more changes in the next few days and I can post them at once. I know I might have mentioned Terry blasting through and ripping out sheet rock in the kitchen. Well the temperatures dropped from the seventies to the twenties and without the sheet rock up the kitchen feels like their are open windows. He brought home sheet rock yesterday afternoon, but then he spent the majority of his home time in front of his computer. He did help me empty my sewing cabinet that I sold. Someone was on their way to pick it up. The electrician will be back today to finish up two under the counter lights around the stove area. The carpenter is coming tomorrow to do a door
Leaving Behind Contemporary Art Horse Daily Painting By Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 36 inches Contact me if you are interested and please mention the title of the painting: Laurie Close ups: My mind is back on Mary and Joseph on their long trip into Bethlehem of Judeah. I am certain we could attach the word "weary" to the journey. I am hoping they were not hungry as well, and most certainly hoping they were not attacked by bandits along the way. The journey is not detailed in any of the gospels. Our daily journey is very real to each of us, often painful and confusing and for some, it is rarely filled with joy. God provides everything we need for our journey, why do we not use what He has for us? Paul tells us in the Bible that we are citizens of heaven. We belong. Right now we are simply sojourners in a world filled with danger. When God sent us here He equipped us with the tools we needed to survive. Our provisions vary with each of us and some of us ignore what we have b