Contemporary Art Daily Painting Brothers Fishing by Laurie Justus Pace
For Commission Work, contact me: Laurie
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Brothers Fishing by Laurie Justus Pace
For Commission Work, contact me: Laurie

"This Little Light of Mine, I'm gonna let it shine..." A simple line from the simplicity of a child's song. Let your light fill the space around you. Shine out to others and brighten lives around you through every day.
It seems there is more "stuff" stacking up in the world. I was in the kitchen preparing a late dinner for my two teenagers that are visiting. Left overs from an Italian Restaurant, Fresh Angel Hair Pasta, Sweet Potato French Fries, Ciabatta Bread and OJ. Terry came in the kitchen next to me and whispered, news bulletin. Now, that is not a normal serious face on my husband. He was so sickened as he told me that some person shot indiscriminately at several cars killing the drivers at several locations. One was a United Movers Driver, on his last late stop to bring furniture to a family relocating here in our city. He had a ticket to fly out of DFW to return home in time for Christmas. Three days ago a mother and her two sons from a prominant Dallas family were found murdered in their home. Her father was a judge here in Dallas and she had been getting threats from someone once affected by her father's judgments. She and her children paid with their lives for this person's anger. The children were young, maybe 5 -7 years of age.
We need to let our lights shine. We must blind those in the dark to close their eyes so they cannot see to bring harm to us and those we love. We must pray for those afflected in such pain and possessed by both anger and hurt that they have allowed evil to penetrate their inner soul. we cannot stop the ugliness but we can stand together and unite our light to illuminate the world and stand firm in prayer against the evil.
Take care of each other. Know you remain in my prayers and thoughts this day.
I am painting today with two talented teens. Aly is working on a landscape with houses and Mac is doing a dog for a dear friend. I am blogging and then I will be painting. The granite folks are on their way with the countertops and the carpenter is suppose to be here putting up the doors. They will collide, but the granite folks have right of way.
I will continue to take pictures.
Please continue to pray for my daughter still on bedrest. THANK YOU!
JOY AND ABUNDANCE as you light the way for your family and those you love, as well as your neighbors and acquaintances.
" Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others, the armies of heaven, praising God: "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to all whom God favors" Luke 2:13-14