Nanie's Fresh Eggs
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Farm Oil by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 Oil
Contact me for Commission Work. Laurie
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Farm Oil by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 Oil
Contact me for Commission Work. Laurie

The day after... uh, my aching back! Somehow we woke to 70 degree temps this morning here in Dallas. DUH, what happened to winter?
Today will be general clean up and then begin preps for Sunday's Annual Chili party. I need to stop eating as I gained back all ten pounds I lost in November. I have NOT unloaded the Christmas Pictures but will try and get something up soon. It was truly wonderful and even better that Stacey and Larry drove in from Roanoke. Doctor said she could come for Christmas but she stayed in the chair with her feet up.
Truth. I have to write on Truth today. Those that know what is going on in my life right now, know I am burdened with a situation out of hand that is so close to me that it hurts. Terry and I tried to instill on our children that the most impt thing was to always tell the truth. It is hard when there are adults out there that toss things around in the air and paint situations to look desperate and twist the truth to their best advantage in order to gain from other people. The one thing I do know from life is to stand by the truth and to stand with God in your heart. You have beside you an army of angels so deep and so strong that you will survive the worst attacks of evil and dishonesty.
Hold to the truth in love. Teach your children that "truth stands the test of time." Proverbs 12:19.
Without truth you cannot have trust. The foundation you seek to build for the young ones in your life must be built on truth, trust and love.
Joy and Abundance
"Though you do not see Him, you trust Him; and even now you are happy..." 1 Peter 1:8
Trusting God produces Joy.
The Lord knows our struggles. I'm so thankful He is the stability of all our times.
Wishing you a blessed 2009!