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Crossing the County Line

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Crossing the County Line 30 x 40 Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Morning has broken... and the Texas Sun is heating up the day.    Wanted to share this contemporary Abstract Horse painting I did back in 2013.  Wild Horses are crossing the county line... the 'man drawn line' between counties in the state. Means nothing to the horses.  Their interest is to be near water and good grazing lands. In contrast to the wild nature of these wild horses... man keeps creating boundaries and lines and cutting back in the wild territory that serves as a home to our horses. Mirada Fine Art in Denver sold this fine piece of art! They have several of my painting  there.   Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." We never know when we rise each morning what the day holds before us. If you are struggling or not feelin

Night Snow...but isn't this summer here in Texas?

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Night Snow Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Night Snow is a beautiful horse painting done back in 2013 and sold from Mirada Fine Art in Denver.   28 x 42 inches of thick rich oil paints living in the Rocky Mountains. The sun is setting as I logged onto my laptop.  A weekend coming to a close with some new steps and an inspiring sermon from our Pastor Tom Pennington at Countryside Bible Church. We were blessed to have our grandson Jon join us today and even more excited that he was moved by the message.  It was on the distinctives of our Church.  "We are committed to two great priorities that have inspired the church for 2,000 years: a high view of God and high view of scripture." Countryside Bible Church.   We became new members at the church after visiting over the past year and a half, of course many weekends we were with my Mom last year before she passed. It is a joy to think of Countryside... because

Good News or Bad News?

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Indian Paint Pony Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Good morning. .. .  I am in the studio this morning preparing  for next week and work.  Today I will begin sketches for some painting ideas that are more impressionistic and begin sketches to do more horses in this style. This has been a favorite for me and for my collectors. May prints have sold. I am drawn to this horse painting by the russet colors and the contrasting blues with peppering in of greens and reds and oranges. For me the painting is not all in shades of brown or reddish brown for the horse, it is the colors I see and feel as I paint it, and with this one it was molding of the texture and curves and depth of the head of the horse. What do you think to get around in life as you go through your days?   We all have things that we are more 'picky' when doing or completing a task. There are things we would rather not do that go at the end of the l

Today, Tomorrow and Always

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Appaloosa in the Wind Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Cloudy Day and slightly warmer but not hot. Cannot believe this is the end of July. We will not even hit 100 degrees.  I have hopes maybe August and Sept will not try to make up for June and July. Appaloosa in the Wind was a favorite horse painting,  painted in the late fall of 2012. It sold a few months after it was finished.  I love the colors in this piece, Russet Reds, Golds and Blues... and sprinkle of green. Sprinkles make life wonderful! Philippians 3:13-14  " Brothers and Sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind an straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." My husband always says in Italian racing what's behind you is not important... it's the first rule. This seems to be exactly what Paul is u

Summer Heat Cooler in Texas!

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Summer Heat Oil on Canvas  30 x 40 inches   SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Rain is on the way.   Normally this time of year here in Texas, the temps are 102 up to 115 or more. We have had 88-92 the past week and it will continue through the end of July. The summer heat is gone for the next week!!! This horse painting is electrifying for sure.  Truly feels like Texas heat to look at it! The family is still the most important blessing we have here on this earthly journey. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the family is the core of life on earth.  Right now in our world it seems to have changed. With both parents working, and everyone chasing the dream of having more stuff, they miss out on what truly matters to live a full life without need or want. They should live a simple life with what God provides.  They also miss passing on wisdom to their children and grandchildren.    Even my own adult children nearing 50 te

Encircle with God in the Center

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Encircle Oil on Canvas .... this was a commission painting by Laurie Pace Good morning. . . in the studio but it is already lunch time. Going to blog and go cook and this piece has inspired me to come back and work on the one I have on the easel. This painting tells a story I cannot share because it was a commissioned piece. But there is joy in it everywhere. Deeply planted roots for a family and their faith. Scroll down to see the beginning sketches before the paint hit the canvas. First a Bible verse and then the horses...and then the spirit of the paint in fully colors! With our membership class ending this Sunday, God placed this in my heart for today. It means much to me... and to live like this is only found in a small cross section of humans, but I want to strive to be here... without worry, without pressures, and living in His love and mercy.  From my reading this morning… Streams of the Desert . In an address