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Good News or Bad News?

Indian Paint Pony by Laurie Pace
©Laurie Pace       Graphics One Design 2024
Indian Paint Pony
Oil on Canvas  SOLD  by Laurie Pace  

Good morning....  I am in the studio this morning preparing  for next week and work.  Today I will begin sketches for some painting ideas that are more impressionistic and begin sketches to do more horses in this style. This has been a favorite for me and for my collectors. May prints have sold. I am drawn to this horse painting by the russet colors and the contrasting blues with peppering in of greens and reds and oranges.

For me the painting is not all in shades of brown or reddish brown for the horse, it is the colors I see and feel as I paint it, and with this one it was molding of the texture and curves and depth of the head of the horse.

What do you think to get around in life as you go through your days?  We all have things that we are more 'picky' when doing or completing a task. There are things we would rather not do that go at the end of the list, unless you are me... sort of like that age old question, "Do you want the good news or the bad news first?"   

I will ALWAYS chose the bad news first.  Same with chores and life. I always do what is needed starting with the ones I dislike the most... and finding joy quickly getting them done as I move on to the love chores!  I love dusting, polishing, cleaning bathrooms (Except the tub... it is big and hard to clean). I love a neat home. I like everything to have a place and if I do not use it in 18 months up to 24 months... I get rid of it.  Vacuuming is the hardest for me with my right arm still not regaining its strength. Between playing the guitar four to five times a week...and vacuuming, it gets sore.  Playing the guitar... is a passion and a love... vacuuming is not. Hubby normally does it these days. 

God wants cleanliness in our it our body or our 'area' we live aka our home. I definitely believe our current home was provided for us through God. We are retired and not much goes out toward it pay wise but a small amount each month for a dwindling balance on the tiny mortgage... and our home taxes dropped in Texas and we were thinking WOW... we could slowly continue updating the last bathroom and add a pergola.  There is not a single doubt that we are here through Him working.  That is all the good news about it.  The downside is the massive change of where we live...once totally surrounded by woods and country and a two lane road on both sides of the area... where are now four lanes on the south side and a huge overhead freeway on the north side.  But we will stay here until he provides something otherwise. 

When I googled and read up on God and our homes... there were some really good articles out there. The Best was "What does the Bible say about cleaning your home."  It ties in all of it... from Stewardship, to Order and Discipline, to Hygiene, Hospitality, Contentment, Gratitude and more.  The article also balances perfectly about how we live our lives ties into how we respond to what is provided for us.  This in turn stimulates how you respond to all things in your life.  The Bible truly lays this out in God's word for all of us. How to live your life according to His word is something you need to ponder. From cleaning and caring for the gift of your home, to inviting in through hospitality welcoming others, to diligence, upkeep and being orderly... it is all important. Messy house is not a happy house! Cleanliness it next to Godliness. 

1 Corinthians 14:40 "But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way." 

But most of all.. important to me is this verse:  

1 Timothy 6:7 reminds us, “For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.” 
Laurie Pace - A Texas Artist 


INSTAGRAM : @LauriePaceBlog   Facebook

Laurie is an international artist, her paintings are collected in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, DuBai, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, St Thomas, Romania, Greece, Croatia, and Ecuador.  


© Graphics One Design 2024


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