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Showing posts with the label flower art
Mother's Summer Magnolias 24 x 36 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day It is just after four early Sunday morning. Terry is asleep, where I wish I was. Woke several hours ago with a screaming sinus headache, tried to go back to sleep but could not. Had to get in an upright position and take some tylenol. I was greeted in the studio by this painting that I finished yesterday before our trip into Dallas to meet Niki for dinner with the family. She is in visiting from Virginia, actually at a Dog Show in Longview via Dallas. I know it was a journey to drive in for dinner but a good time was had by all at ST Cafe. This painting is based on the humongous magnolia tree in my mom's front yard. They live on almost an acre in Dallas and this tree takes up one side of their front yard almost all by itself. It is huge. When you are under the canopy it is like midnight outside and that prompted the dark recesses on this painting of deep purples and violets mixed with the black. The star
SINGLE MAGNOLIA 16 x 20 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day Monday morning! GOOD MORNING! I think we spent the weekend eating and eating and eating. But in between eating, I did finish this sweet magnolia painting. Soft hues and colors of a bloom on my mom's HUGE tree in her front yard. I am this week preparing the remainder of the work for Wyoming. The days are escaping from me fast!!! Larry and Stacey took us to Magiano's for late lunch on Saturday. We met Mom and Dad there and continued the celebration of Terry and Mom's birthday. Oh my, the food. Larry ordered family style and there was enough food to feed a small army. Pastas, roast, salads, veggies, fish, desserts....Terry and I ate left overs yesterday after church. That is why I didn't blog...too full to move! Actually I was busy painting for Wyoming. Sunday School was inspiring yesterday. We traveled across town to Eastridge Christian Church and a great class led by Jack Van Vessem. The Study has been
SINGLE ROSE 4 x 6 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day Good morning! Sunshine and heat creeping in here...but understand it is miserable across the nation. This is a small rose that was fun and relaxing to paint to loosen up before doing a large painting. Rich colors and contrast playing the red against the green. Contact me if you are interested! Thought wise, much is bouncing in my head. As we were sitting at the eye doc yesterday I picked up a magazine and was browsing the pages. There was an article about a writer that had interviewed many older adults about special times they could remember in life. The adults that told of a wonderful happening but then interjected something horrible attached to it that disrupted the joy of the event and then left the story at a low point were most likely to be adults with depression and mood issues. The other group that stood out were the adults that told of a joyous occasion that might have emerged OUT of a negative their stories
Peonies Popping 30 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day The painting above I finished this morning. It is thick paint and will take weeks to dry, but I had fun rejoicing in the music and the day as I painted and it definitely shows that! I have had such warm wonderful conversations with so many of you that read my blog and I have never met you in person. I thank all of you that write me about the different paintings enabling me to sell directly from this blog. THANK YOU!!! It is Saturday. It started with rushing Annie to the vet...she had torn stitches in one of her larger incisions. Thanks goodness the vet was open and the race had not started at the Texas Motor Speedway or I would be stuck away from our house. Not sure how Terry will get home this afternoon. He arrives usually around four, well the gates open at Four at the TMS....and the roads will be JAMMED. Annie is doing great. Stacey went with me because I still cannot use my left arm with my injured rotator cuff.
Summer Rain Poppies 2007 30 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day We are off to Grapevine and the bank in a few minutes. I just finished this HUGE 30 X 30 inch Poppies in the rain. I did one similar last year and loved the colors playing in it and decided to do a similar one. It is emotional! The palette was three different reds, orange, yellow, marigold, white, leaf green, yellow green and sap green. I threw in a bit of Blue Violet as well. To me the flowers seem to be floating and dancing!!! My dad has been struggling with some heart rhythm issues but hopefully this will be resolved this week. I know the stress on my Mom is doubled right now. Please keep them in prayer. DOGS, they are home. Paddy had his FIX ME surgery yesterday and he doesn't even realize he is missing part of his anatomy. Annie on the other hand, had five large cysts removed and at age 8 she is moving slowly and not really happy! The vet did give us HAPPY pills for her when the storms blow throug
Dahlia RED Flower Art 30 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day Well, I barely have my eyes open...pretty bad sinus headache this morning...bad enough I won't eat or sit at this screen very long! This dahlia was painted yesterday and is painted with a thick brush and even thicker paint! Layers of red, orange, coral and some pinks complimented with a deep sap green, yellow green and black creeping in on the edges. Definitely something to brighten a room with blooms! Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary.... I have known Terry since I was eleven. We have quite a history! Have to figure that one out today too in between painting and hot water packs on my face!~ Harmony in relationships is the Daily Word thought for today....hits at the right time for sure...but God's timing is NEVER off! Grace, Laurie “Be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.”—Philippians 2:2
IRIS BUDS 18 X 36 inches Oil/Acrylic on Canvas A Painting A Day CLICK HERE TO BUY! Good morning! Yesterday was a delight as I unwrapped a gifted painting from Charlene. It is a beautiful 30 x 40 impressionistic piece of an artist painting in a garden! WOW... can't wait to frame it and hang it. Other than that I painted the Iris Buds above and one small one of a Tuscan Morning. The one above has a bottom layer of acrylic in purple, everything else piled on top is Oil! Refreshing and strong in color...this is part of my BACKYARD BLOOMS Gallery Series 2007. Today we are waiting for ULINE to deliver the cardboard Terry fashions the custom made boxes out of. We ran out and I forgot to order it! Meanwhile.... I will finish cleaning up this morning and hopefully when we go to FEDEX we will grocery shop. We have to watch the gas usage! Doesn't everyone? Relax today and breathe! Grace, Laurie “Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils th
POT OF ORANGE POPPIES 30 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day Sometimes things are whimsical and appear and this was one of them. I began washing the canvas with a rag and Golden Acrylic Ultramarine Blue. Then I used a palette knife and began layering two others blues on top with white. Allowing that to dry, I automatically flipped the canvas and began to paint. I had seen on Good Morning America yesterday some flowers behind Robin against the dark blue. That had burned itself into my brain, the two colors, so I loaded my palette with Scarlett, Red, yellow, marigold, white, sap green, leaf green and yellow green, oh yes blue violet, violet red, horizon blue, marine blue, white, black and orange... and to work I went. I began just placing blobs of orange in different areas on the surface and then sweeping the colors of yellow and red through the blobs....I stopped and studied the surface and immediately saw the low rounded ceramic vase popping out at me. I
PINK HYDRANGEA 30 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting A Day HAPPY FRIDAY MORNING. It is in the high fifties and I am already missing my sunrise and cup of tea! I have to hurry through this one! Georgia sent me pictures of her blooming hydrangea in her backyard...that was my simple inspiration for this huge freestyle painting of pink beauties! The paint is thick and fresh and full of movement and life...just like spring and summer! We had Joe Doughtery out last night to look at plumbing...he arrived right after the repair man for my oven...I was trying to paint and was definitely tied up in knots. BUT turns out Joe plays guitar ...and boy does he. He picked up and strummed both my Taylor and my Larrivee. I felt pretty darn good with in just a few minutes~ but then Terry decided it was still light enough outside to try and trim Paddy dog. NOT GOOD...too much dog hair flying. I am off to enjoy the day. Wait for that divine wisdom today with patience! Grace, Laurie “It is you who lig
AFTERNOON SUNFLOWERS 10 X 30 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day Whew, Thursday is behind me! The day started early as I finished up some painting... Annie Mae (she is seven) and I took about a mile walk and gathered wild flowers. We arrived back and had worked up a good appetite on our walk and decided on Waffles....and fresh fruit. Conni was showered and functioning when we got back and we all jumped into the kitchen. The results were breakfast on the back deck/porch with wildflowers in a vase in the center of the table and piles of waffles and hot syrup to consume! After breakfast it was time to work some more and Conni joined me in the studio watching me do some palette knife work. She said husband Peter would have a heart attack if he saw HOW MUCH Paint I use on a painting! She jumped on a canvas with a knife and a HUGE mound of paint and impasto...and it is a work in progress and what fun to paint together with music weaving in behind us. Annie sat in the chair with a ske
Pink Magnolia Blooms 16 x 20 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day Simplicity in design and color! Sort of Fresh in the I painted this. Not as free as most of my work, but holding it's own in colors and contrast. Our weather continues to be a blessed gift of cool evening temps and nice warm day temps. We have showers yesterday and the tomato plants are are the new trees and flower beds! I am hitting the canvas hard today. Conni Togel is flying in from Greenville SC with daughter Annie. I am excited and want to get some of my work knocked out.I have no idea what it will be like trying to paint with a super artist in the house...could be intimidating! Conni's older two daughters came and stayed with Terry and I last summer and we had a blast! So it was Conni's turn to come with the youngest! Yesterday was filled with packing and shipping and sending off two huge packages to a designer in Hong Kong...horses of course. She has one more I need to