Peonies Popping
30 x 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
30 x 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

The painting above I finished this morning. It is thick paint and will take weeks to dry, but I had fun rejoicing in the music and the day as I painted and it definitely shows that! I have had such warm wonderful conversations with so many of you that read my blog and I have never met you in person. I thank all of you that write me about the different paintings enabling me to sell directly from this blog. THANK YOU!!!
It is Saturday. It started with rushing Annie to the vet...she had torn stitches in one of her larger incisions. Thanks goodness the vet was open and the race had not started at the Texas Motor Speedway or I would be stuck away from our house. Not sure how Terry will get home this afternoon. He arrives usually around four, well the gates open at Four at the TMS....and the roads will be JAMMED. Annie is doing great. Stacey went with me because I still cannot use my left arm with my injured rotator cuff. KUDOS to my daughter!
Last night we had dinner in Dallas at MAIN STREAM...our favorite Fish place....and it was near the meeting we were attending. Morgan met us there and had a quick bite. We only had 35 min to devour dinner. It was good. I had a huge salad ( I swear it is an entire head of romaine) topped with fresh cut fruit, three huge roasted shrimp, sword fish in bite sizes, halibut in bite sizes and I can't remember the third fish, but it is the squishy kind in your mouth, along with red onions, bell peppers of all colors, tomatoes and mushrooms. Terry had Salmon, baked potato and broccoli. (Did I spell that right? It doesn't look right.) A bit boring for me...I like explosive tastes! (Same with my painting today.)
Then we were off to a CPS meeting. We are considering helping out with the foster system here in Texas and are ONLY examining what is there. We have not made a final decision yet but are praying about this as we go. There are so many teens out there never formally adopted and only in foster care. We would honestly consider adopting a girl and giving her a forever family. We have spoken with our adult children about this too and they welcome the idea. Here in the Dallas area alone, there are 7000 children in Foster care. SEVEN THOUSAND. "For in you the fatherless find compassion." Hosea 14:3. Again, no decision made, just praying about it and continuing to investigate. You can pray for us as well.
Spoke with Mom and Dad yesterday. Dad seems to be doing fine! So good to know he will be bouncing back quickly and gaining strength. He kept telling me he was PUNY! Now mom will be puny trying to keep up with him!
Terry's Dad Ben just upgraded to broadband. He has been on dial up for years...oh my gosh the man is smiling and chuckling now...he can't believe the difference. AND we can now reach him when he is on the internet....he will never be off now!!!
Also spent time yesterday on the phone with another daily artist, Madison. I have her link to the right and take a look. I can only repeat, God is good, all the time, God is good.
I am off to do some watercolors for New York! Have a great weekend. Be attuned to divine wisdom and guided to divine action.
“You are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all students. … Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Messiah.”—Matthew 23:8, 10