30 x 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
30 x 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

Sometimes things are whimsical and appear and this was one of them. I began washing the canvas with a rag and Golden Acrylic Ultramarine Blue. Then I used a palette knife and began layering two others blues on top with white. Allowing that to dry, I automatically flipped the canvas and began to paint. I had seen on Good Morning America yesterday some flowers behind Robin Roberts...orange against the dark blue. That had burned itself into my brain, the two colors, so I loaded my palette with Scarlett, Red, yellow, marigold, white, sap green, leaf green and yellow green, oh yes blue violet, violet red, horizon blue, marine blue, white, black and orange... and to work I went. I began just placing blobs of orange in different areas on the surface and then sweeping the colors of yellow and red through the blobs....I stopped and studied the surface and immediately saw the low rounded ceramic vase popping out at me. I call this Letting Go and Letting God! That is how life is all the time. we try and control and do what we think is the direction WE should be going, instead of praying about it and waiting for HIS direction. I am thinking it is quite sinful to place ourselves in a position that we know better than God does! By letting go on this canvas and trusting my instincts to color balance, the entire painting came into focus around the vase that appeared carved from sweeps of my palette knife. Enjoy it! It was great to be a part of such a creation!
Yesterday afternoon and last night my daughter and son in law were here. There was a hunted man in the area of the country that had attempted to rob a store and had shot some folks and he was last seen in their subdivision. They closed it down. They went house to house trying to find the man. Meanwhile I whipped up some fish stew (organic brown rice, sauteed veggies (your choice of what is in the refrig) (we had onions, carrots, yellow squash, broccoli), add a large container of vegetable broth (Low sodium of course - we like Healthy Valley in the cartons) and in the last ten minutes...I cut in Chilean Sea Bass and big shrimp. Oh yum. Our favorite Minister showed up.... and we all ate salads and this fish stew, oh yes, and I made homemade mac and cheese for Stacey. Her tummy was too upset for stew. Fresh baked bread appeared out of the oven with soft butter waiting on the table. We had freshed brewed peach tea as well and hot homemade banana Bread for dessert. THE BEST part was a two hour bible study and the sharing and exchange of so much information my head still is spinning. We whirled through a discussion on Ruth and one on Esther and bounced back to Genesis!
Sample of my garden Impressionism! NOT often found on eBay!

My horses etched on colors....
I will be painting horses today. I noted another artist has branched off adopting my style of background painting and then sketching the horses off in colors. It is always a compliment to have another artist copy your style and it is a positive thing to see that artist grow as the grapple to find what is really their work or their identity. The insecurity must really be haunting. My love for painting is pretty simple...I love painting women, children and gardens in thick impasto and rich impressionism. I do not sell those on eBay because of my respect for another artist, that sells them, I think her name is Rosenbaum. I have captured numerous awards and honors for my work in this style, but will not cross that line on eBay. This work always sells well at the Gallery that represents me in New York. I have worked for three years now developing a love for painting horses and capturing not just the realistic stuffed animal but the wild spirit and movement that brings them to life. Experimenting with several approaches, and having success and learning has been rewarding to me personally. It is a compliment to watch other eBay artists copy the style as I hope they are trying to find their way and not just copying my work. The other subject I have been honored for on Ebay by fellow artists has been for my florals...my large florals.... very impressionistic, very abstract in some ways as well. So with only a few landscapes thrown in, most of my work revolves around the horses and flowers and a dog here and there to raise funds for Scottie Kingdom.
I continue to support the DOULBE HP (South Dakota) with my work and through the store TEXAS TACK EXCHANGE in Rockwall Texas, that is now carrying my work, will be supporting their local rescue as well.
Enough yatter this morning...time to paint!!!! OR watch the sunrise in the misty air outside from the back porch swing!
“For this is the message you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.”—1 John 3:11